
The WHO And Bill Gates Do Indeed Want Full Control Over Your Health

It's not a conspiracy and don't be fooled by his 'what me? Don't be crazy aw shucks' mannerism. Gates it's all shark and business.

Always was, always will be. 

None of this is over and if you think the last two years were absurd and hard, Gates basically wants an encore 2.0 even harder. 

In order to do this he needs to ramp up his GERM team exercises while the WHO prepares to usurp national sovereignty looking to control public health policies of nations.

Now, do I think countries are stupid enough to sign this protocol, I hope not. It seems 50/50. Most were idiotic enough to sign the Paris Accords but this may be a little trickier for them.

I know Canada is full on stupid so I expect Justin to cede our national interests to the WHO. How this traitor is still leader is beyond me especially his recent despicable outburst apparently saying 'fucking faggot' in the HOUSE OF COMMONS before storming off like the petulant mentally ill drama queen baby that he is.

Gates and the WHO don't care about you or your health.

They care about the power your autonomy brings them. Your body is data and data is oil, diamonds and gold all combined.

Wake up and don't get fooled by any of this anymore. These pandemics are largely fabricated and part of a larger game.

Also. Word of advice. Anyone still peddling masks and vaccines are BARZINI. They're part of the racket. 

Here's a great review of Bill Gates and his book.


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