From the get-go Trudeau was in over his head concerning NAFTA misplaying his hand with the United States.
It's hard to guess what exactly he was thinking - if at all. It strikes me as a melange of things that lent more evidence into his ideological mindset obsessed with gender and the planet.
There's no question his father's 'just watch me' influence has taken root in part of his political calculations. It's what probably permitted him to think he could outmaneuver Trump on trade. But his calculation was a generic and simple one. Something along the lines of 'Trump is acting tough for no reason. Everyone hates Trump. Ergo I will match his empty blustering with a toughness that is backed by conviction and just watch me and the world will see Canada for its brave stance against a bully and they will applaud me and follow my lead'.
In other words, dude believed his virtue signalling farts had any value in the cold, hard, real world of trade negotiations.
If there's one place countries don't exhibit much patience for gender issues, it's in trade talks. Nuts and bolts. Steel and aluminum. Wood and plastic. These are the things that drive economies. Thus they come armed with capable negotiators to hammer out deals; not people who want to talk about fluff.
It's no secret Trump has said throughout the primaries and Presidential campaign he would rip up NAFTA if he couldn't renegotiate parts of it.
People (ie Canada) were too busy laughing (and they laugh at things he ends up being right about - ie Obama was indeed spying on him) to actually start prepping for the possibility he would a) get elected and b) act on it.
That's on us.
He over rated his position and under estimated the fact that in the end, countries were/are going to negotiate with Trump out of self-interest. They couldn't take a chance to see if he gets impeached (oh about that and the low probabilities of that happening see a basic education video right below on how the impeachment process works. Political systems are...intricate. So go to bed lefties who think impeaching Trump was a self-evident reality with little obstacles to overcome and that Hillary was going to take over just like that) or doesn't get another four years. He's the President of the most powerful country and he has a mandate we are. What to do?
How this eluded Canadian officials is perplexing.
Never mind Trudeau's inexcusable and inexplicable decision to mouth off after the G7. He sounded like the guy who pretends to be tough once he's surrounded by his buddies. Trump didn't take it well and it's hard to fault him for it.
It was foolish because he unnecessarily jeopardized potential bi-lateral meetings.
No sweat. He just figured he'll bypass the USA and go to Mexico. It was at this point we discovered a new talent he possesses: Impersonating Monty Hall. I get the image of him walking into a room mic in hand joking 'let's make a deal!'
The move to try and strike a deal with Mexico was a hopelessly immature attempt to score cheap faux-nationalist votes with the electorate. Sure it got some all revved up waving their mini Canadian flags fervently proclaiming in the usual empty prideful jingoism 'we stand with Justin!'
But what was the purpose exactly? To 'stick it' to Trump? Did they actually think they pulled a fast one on Trump?
No one thought, 'hm. Maybe this isn't such a good idea?' Hoping for someone to say, 'Don't fall into his divide and conquer ploy!' may have been asking too much I reckon.
No one, it sounds like, was seeing this in high resolution. Which isn't surprising given, well, Justin is their Grand Poo-Bah and high resolution logic isn't his forte. Hugs and kisses are. Justin likes to tug at your emotions; not logic.
We always like to give the benefit of the doubt that a government in power is handling things properly even when they act kooky.
'Yes, he looks silly in Indian garb but I'm sure behind the scenes he's all business. Liberal leaders won't let him be too crazy.'
Judging by the deal he struck with India, I'm guessing these sort of things aren't his bag.
These liberals, lemme tell ya, are kooky.
And not in a good way.
When a guy like Trump comes to the table pumping his chest out, the worst thing you can do is try to match the chest-thumping when you know you're don't quite have the same leverage as your opponent. It's alpha-male engagement 101. It becomes even more ridiculous when the man trying to act as a tough negotiator is perceived to be a beta-male.
Trump: Alpha. Trudeau: Beta. It's a simple equation.
This demanded a little more nuance; some Machiavellian coyness.
As I observed during the G7 fiasco, it became apparent we don't exactly have the right government in power to deal with this sort of power play by Trump.
Trump is willing to use the powerful stick of American might to get what he wants and there's not a darn thing we can do about it but to figure out how we fit in that calculus.
This is where true and sensible leadership - once upon a time a strength - needed to step up.
Instead, we got, 'never mind Trump. We'll work with Mexico!' Because everyone knows Canada's prosperity lies with Mexico.
The other thing is this was Mexico.
We don't have much (economically, socially, culturally) connecting the two countries to justify thinking they'd 'stand with us'. All we have is we have the United States mutually in common. A country we sponge prosperity out of.
It was foolish as it was naive as it was plain idiotic to think this.
It's a country just as dependent on America (if not more so) that teeters on narco-failed-state status and a population running for the American hills in search of a better life. A country, it should be noted, that just elected a socialist government. Things may get a lot worse for Mexico. I mean, socialists are running it now.
It's as if Venezuela doesn't exist.
Worst still, they have to pass this deal fast because the newly elected government is far more protectionist than France and is salivating and foaming at the mouth like a rabid scum bucket socialist dog ready to rape and pillage Mexico's wealth and resources.
Did I mention Venezuela?
Know who Canada does have a lot in common?
Yes, the USA. I know it's hard for the mini-flag waving Canuck to grasp, but to the rest of us this is just plain obvious.
Which probably should translate into us understanding what happens in the USA better than any country. Well, those of us who don't get our second hand information via the CBC or watch CNN.
Trudeau and Freeland didn't get the memo and played right into Trump's hands. Instead of going off with Mexico, we should have gone to the Americans immediately after and discuss the matter 'off the record'. Not turn around and slap retaliatory sanctions. By not doing so, we let Mexico get the upper hand and left us with all these lousy 'South of the Border' t-shirts and cheap tacos.
Consider a key part of NAFTA. The single biggest part of NAFTA is the auto industry. Steels and screws go into building them; not hugs and kisses. It employs lots of people and is a huge industry for three countries.
However, to be blunt, one of those three countries owns the automotive industry here. We (like Mexico) live off the ingenuity of American capital and engineering through its Big Three. We can act like we're equal but only to the point where Americans stop humouring us. And Trump, in case you haven't noticed, is not into humouring.
Don't like it? We should have started our own companies then. But we didn't and here we are. Too-dee-doo.
What do you think was going to happen!?
Moreover, Mexico never had any kind of leverage and signing a photo-op trade deal with Canada was nothing but nationalist theater from a pair of branch-plant countries who haven't come to terms with the reality of their place in North American trade. In other words, it was not even worth toilet paper. They had to show their populations they were *doing something*. The question then became, I guess, was who was going to be left standing when the music stopped?
That picture of Freeland cross-shaking hands with Mexican officials was a 'Fredo moment for me.
It was like watching Jackie Jr. and 'Fredo try and take down both Tony Soprano and Michael Corleone.
I just couldn't believe they would be this disconnected from what was going on; that blinded by Trump Derangement Syndrome. Oh yes, I absolutely believe that played into it.
There's no question Trudeau and Freeland are playing this angle.
Consider this sparking gem from Freeland:
The second, I warned, the Americans knocked on Mexico's door, you knew Canada was going to be sent packing back to Copps Coloseum - which is where exactly Trudeau's liberals belong for botching this so badly. A symbol of a place being built on promise and misplaced expectations and now languishes in the dust bin of 'what the fuck happened'?
In their attempt to play 'tough guy' with the big boys, they may have frozen themselves out.
I know Trudeau ain't the sharpest butter knife in the drawer but even by his standards some of the rocks in his head should have at least dislodged to permit him to see this with some clarity.
And Freeland is no better. A former FT editor with quite frankly the ideas and imagination of a diversity compliance officer and educator, I just don't get how she made it this far in politics. She commands no aura or inspires any kind of confidence. Who can forget her ridiculous own crying game when CETA negotiations broke down? She was an official representing this country. Get a grip.
Naturally, the Liberals all have their Alfred E. Neuman 'what, me worry?' masks saying 'no, no! It's all good! You see, our retaliatory measures are working! Let them make their deal! It's all part of the process. We fix!'
Don't believe me? Take this special gem from Marc Garneau (who I'm personally especially disappointed with):
“Not at all,” Garneau said in a television interview. “Now is the time for Canada to rejoin the discussions.”
Rejoin discussions? Now's the time?
You mean discussions they should never had left in the first place to go engage in theatrics not even fit for off off-Broadway?
Hey, it's possible Canada comes away with a good deal (if Trudeau can let go of some of his more ideological demand like gender) in spite of itself but the odds aren't in our favor at the moment.
Canadians are extremely sensitive about how our sovereignty plays out on the world stage particularly when it comes to the United States. It's the single most important balancing act any government has to perform. Too much and we look like we're submitting, too little and we suffer.
It's the same thing with Mexico.
But not in Trudeau's plastic-fantatsic, groovy-world with marmalade skies and cellophane flowers. I don't even want to say unicorn infested utopia because he's beyond that. I can't even conceive of the world he inhabits in his head.
He should just show up at Parliament bare foot and introduce his good friend James Taylor to act as his speaker at this point while he performs Doug Henning magic tricks listening to the music.
I also submit Trump knew this going to play out this way. It was a classic divide and conquer play and Canada and Mexico fell for it. Trump probably sized up Freeland and knew what to do from that point forward.
For fuck sakes, I knew it was going to unfold - and plenty others as well I am sure - because that's how 'not your mother's' Liberals roll.
It didn't take a genius. Really.
And now, after all the hoopla and 'we're not going to get pushed around by a bully' Mexico is making their deal. Hyman Roth and Michael Corleone are out enjoying their cake while Canada sits back and laments, 'poo-tee-weet' as they play the harmonica...badly.
Of course, this being Canada, we'll just continue on as if nothing happened and act surprised if the deal is not to our liking.
Despite all this, we have to hope Trudeau comes to his senses and manages to come out of this with a decent deal. He may have to once and for all stop protecting Canada's dairy industry (a cartel his father helped to create and quite frankly it has run its protectionist course) in order to get one.
Ladies and gentleman, this is how you negotiate from behind. You may be signing over the parts of the business you desperately didn't want to give up.
Trump, in a nut shell, just put Trudeau in a bad spot. The only way out is to spin so hard, the entire country vomits.
Donald Trump, the man the world irrationally loves to hate, knows how to win and my fellow Canadians, he did just that. He looked out for his country. Trudeau didn't.
Send your letter of thanks to your local MPs.
Well played.
It's hard to guess what exactly he was thinking - if at all. It strikes me as a melange of things that lent more evidence into his ideological mindset obsessed with gender and the planet.
There's no question his father's 'just watch me' influence has taken root in part of his political calculations. It's what probably permitted him to think he could outmaneuver Trump on trade. But his calculation was a generic and simple one. Something along the lines of 'Trump is acting tough for no reason. Everyone hates Trump. Ergo I will match his empty blustering with a toughness that is backed by conviction and just watch me and the world will see Canada for its brave stance against a bully and they will applaud me and follow my lead'.
In other words, dude believed his virtue signalling farts had any value in the cold, hard, real world of trade negotiations.
If there's one place countries don't exhibit much patience for gender issues, it's in trade talks. Nuts and bolts. Steel and aluminum. Wood and plastic. These are the things that drive economies. Thus they come armed with capable negotiators to hammer out deals; not people who want to talk about fluff.
It's no secret Trump has said throughout the primaries and Presidential campaign he would rip up NAFTA if he couldn't renegotiate parts of it.
People (ie Canada) were too busy laughing (and they laugh at things he ends up being right about - ie Obama was indeed spying on him) to actually start prepping for the possibility he would a) get elected and b) act on it.
That's on us.
He over rated his position and under estimated the fact that in the end, countries were/are going to negotiate with Trump out of self-interest. They couldn't take a chance to see if he gets impeached (oh about that and the low probabilities of that happening see a basic education video right below on how the impeachment process works. Political systems are...intricate. So go to bed lefties who think impeaching Trump was a self-evident reality with little obstacles to overcome and that Hillary was going to take over just like that) or doesn't get another four years. He's the President of the most powerful country and he has a mandate we are. What to do?
How this eluded Canadian officials is perplexing.
Never mind Trudeau's inexcusable and inexplicable decision to mouth off after the G7. He sounded like the guy who pretends to be tough once he's surrounded by his buddies. Trump didn't take it well and it's hard to fault him for it.
It was foolish because he unnecessarily jeopardized potential bi-lateral meetings.
No sweat. He just figured he'll bypass the USA and go to Mexico. It was at this point we discovered a new talent he possesses: Impersonating Monty Hall. I get the image of him walking into a room mic in hand joking 'let's make a deal!'
The move to try and strike a deal with Mexico was a hopelessly immature attempt to score cheap faux-nationalist votes with the electorate. Sure it got some all revved up waving their mini Canadian flags fervently proclaiming in the usual empty prideful jingoism 'we stand with Justin!'
But what was the purpose exactly? To 'stick it' to Trump? Did they actually think they pulled a fast one on Trump?
No one thought, 'hm. Maybe this isn't such a good idea?' Hoping for someone to say, 'Don't fall into his divide and conquer ploy!' may have been asking too much I reckon.
No one, it sounds like, was seeing this in high resolution. Which isn't surprising given, well, Justin is their Grand Poo-Bah and high resolution logic isn't his forte. Hugs and kisses are. Justin likes to tug at your emotions; not logic.
We always like to give the benefit of the doubt that a government in power is handling things properly even when they act kooky.
'Yes, he looks silly in Indian garb but I'm sure behind the scenes he's all business. Liberal leaders won't let him be too crazy.'
Judging by the deal he struck with India, I'm guessing these sort of things aren't his bag.
These liberals, lemme tell ya, are kooky.
And not in a good way.
When a guy like Trump comes to the table pumping his chest out, the worst thing you can do is try to match the chest-thumping when you know you're don't quite have the same leverage as your opponent. It's alpha-male engagement 101. It becomes even more ridiculous when the man trying to act as a tough negotiator is perceived to be a beta-male.
Trump: Alpha. Trudeau: Beta. It's a simple equation.
This demanded a little more nuance; some Machiavellian coyness.
As I observed during the G7 fiasco, it became apparent we don't exactly have the right government in power to deal with this sort of power play by Trump.
Trump is willing to use the powerful stick of American might to get what he wants and there's not a darn thing we can do about it but to figure out how we fit in that calculus.
This is where true and sensible leadership - once upon a time a strength - needed to step up.
Instead, we got, 'never mind Trump. We'll work with Mexico!' Because everyone knows Canada's prosperity lies with Mexico.
The other thing is this was Mexico.
We don't have much (economically, socially, culturally) connecting the two countries to justify thinking they'd 'stand with us'. All we have is we have the United States mutually in common. A country we sponge prosperity out of.
It was foolish as it was naive as it was plain idiotic to think this.
It's a country just as dependent on America (if not more so) that teeters on narco-failed-state status and a population running for the American hills in search of a better life. A country, it should be noted, that just elected a socialist government. Things may get a lot worse for Mexico. I mean, socialists are running it now.
It's as if Venezuela doesn't exist.
Worst still, they have to pass this deal fast because the newly elected government is far more protectionist than France and is salivating and foaming at the mouth like a rabid scum bucket socialist dog ready to rape and pillage Mexico's wealth and resources.
Did I mention Venezuela?
Know who Canada does have a lot in common?
Yes, the USA. I know it's hard for the mini-flag waving Canuck to grasp, but to the rest of us this is just plain obvious.
Which probably should translate into us understanding what happens in the USA better than any country. Well, those of us who don't get our second hand information via the CBC or watch CNN.
Trudeau and Freeland didn't get the memo and played right into Trump's hands. Instead of going off with Mexico, we should have gone to the Americans immediately after and discuss the matter 'off the record'. Not turn around and slap retaliatory sanctions. By not doing so, we let Mexico get the upper hand and left us with all these lousy 'South of the Border' t-shirts and cheap tacos.
Consider a key part of NAFTA. The single biggest part of NAFTA is the auto industry. Steels and screws go into building them; not hugs and kisses. It employs lots of people and is a huge industry for three countries.
However, to be blunt, one of those three countries owns the automotive industry here. We (like Mexico) live off the ingenuity of American capital and engineering through its Big Three. We can act like we're equal but only to the point where Americans stop humouring us. And Trump, in case you haven't noticed, is not into humouring.
Don't like it? We should have started our own companies then. But we didn't and here we are. Too-dee-doo.
What do you think was going to happen!?
![]() |
I'm smaht too! |
That picture of Freeland cross-shaking hands with Mexican officials was a 'Fredo moment for me.
It was like watching Jackie Jr. and 'Fredo try and take down both Tony Soprano and Michael Corleone.
I just couldn't believe they would be this disconnected from what was going on; that blinded by Trump Derangement Syndrome. Oh yes, I absolutely believe that played into it.
There's no question Trudeau and Freeland are playing this angle.
Consider this sparking gem from Freeland:
"A great privilege for me to address the annual meeting of German Ambassadors in #Berlin today. Thank you, @HeikoMaas, for the invitation. #Canada and #Germany must work together to defend the multilateral, rules-based international order."
Diplomat of the year for Foreign Policy folks. Notice the shot at Trump about 'rules based'. What exactly did Trump do that suggested he wanted to break the rules? All Trump is doing is asking for bi-lateral trade deals. Why is this bad especially for Canada?
In their attempt to play 'tough guy' with the big boys, they may have frozen themselves out.
I know Trudeau ain't the sharpest butter knife in the drawer but even by his standards some of the rocks in his head should have at least dislodged to permit him to see this with some clarity.
And Freeland is no better. A former FT editor with quite frankly the ideas and imagination of a diversity compliance officer and educator, I just don't get how she made it this far in politics. She commands no aura or inspires any kind of confidence. Who can forget her ridiculous own crying game when CETA negotiations broke down? She was an official representing this country. Get a grip.
Naturally, the Liberals all have their Alfred E. Neuman 'what, me worry?' masks saying 'no, no! It's all good! You see, our retaliatory measures are working! Let them make their deal! It's all part of the process. We fix!'
Don't believe me? Take this special gem from Marc Garneau (who I'm personally especially disappointed with):
“Not at all,” Garneau said in a television interview. “Now is the time for Canada to rejoin the discussions.”
Rejoin discussions? Now's the time?
You mean discussions they should never had left in the first place to go engage in theatrics not even fit for off off-Broadway?
Hey, it's possible Canada comes away with a good deal (if Trudeau can let go of some of his more ideological demand like gender) in spite of itself but the odds aren't in our favor at the moment.
Canadians are extremely sensitive about how our sovereignty plays out on the world stage particularly when it comes to the United States. It's the single most important balancing act any government has to perform. Too much and we look like we're submitting, too little and we suffer.
It's the same thing with Mexico.
But not in Trudeau's plastic-fantatsic, groovy-world with marmalade skies and cellophane flowers. I don't even want to say unicorn infested utopia because he's beyond that. I can't even conceive of the world he inhabits in his head.
He should just show up at Parliament bare foot and introduce his good friend James Taylor to act as his speaker at this point while he performs Doug Henning magic tricks listening to the music.
I also submit Trump knew this going to play out this way. It was a classic divide and conquer play and Canada and Mexico fell for it. Trump probably sized up Freeland and knew what to do from that point forward.
For fuck sakes, I knew it was going to unfold - and plenty others as well I am sure - because that's how 'not your mother's' Liberals roll.
It didn't take a genius. Really.
And now, after all the hoopla and 'we're not going to get pushed around by a bully' Mexico is making their deal. Hyman Roth and Michael Corleone are out enjoying their cake while Canada sits back and laments, 'poo-tee-weet' as they play the harmonica...badly.
Of course, this being Canada, we'll just continue on as if nothing happened and act surprised if the deal is not to our liking.
Despite all this, we have to hope Trudeau comes to his senses and manages to come out of this with a decent deal. He may have to once and for all stop protecting Canada's dairy industry (a cartel his father helped to create and quite frankly it has run its protectionist course) in order to get one.
Ladies and gentleman, this is how you negotiate from behind. You may be signing over the parts of the business you desperately didn't want to give up.
Trump, in a nut shell, just put Trudeau in a bad spot. The only way out is to spin so hard, the entire country vomits.
Donald Trump, the man the world irrationally loves to hate, knows how to win and my fellow Canadians, he did just that. He looked out for his country. Trudeau didn't.
Send your letter of thanks to your local MPs.
Well played.