
Twitter Is Fine With These Tweets; The Progressive Left Is An Empty Shithole Of Ideas

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Ivanka, you malevolent, cloven hoofed yeast infection. Your claims of "compassion" are as fucking empty as the bottle of Viagra on your father's nightstand. Shove them up your empty, plastic twat you fake, complicit lump of bleached out plastic.

Yes, such advanced and enlightened progressive logic right there.

Any questions about how full of shit Twitter is?

But they shut down or shadow ban conservatives who say far less than this.


Or take Doonesbury's Garry Trudeau.

Even before I was even remotely politically engaged I never really connected to Doonesbury. I always found it to be vapid and meh.

I couldn't put my finger on it but I always got the sense it was like reading the guy in class who thought he was smarter than he really was.


This strip from Trudeau lends insights into the mind of a progressive.

Oh, he absolutely would send people like me to re-education camps. He's that weak and petty of mind.

Remember kiddies. They must never know where the guns are.

They're that evil. They had their evilness behind compassion and refined rhetoric. This is who they are.

Since Trump's election I've never heard so much stupidity in my life and all of it comes from the left.

The illiteracy and ignorance on display leaves me with my mouth agape.

The job the progressive culture and political class has done on them is sad and despicable.

They have no critical thinking or independent thought in their soul left.

Just lash out, rely on emotions, call for the arrest or censoring of people they disagree with, project and in the case of Trudeau's cumstained wet dream, send us all to camps.

Got two words for you Garry. Fuck. You.

Is that civil enough for you, you cumquat? 


Oh. Not enough for you as you're too busy fawning over the death of John McCain? Of course you would. You love authoritarian, war mongering, corrupted, jerks. It's what defines your intellectual identity. 

Gotta love the media sucking that guy's dirty dick despite all the spitting in the faces of American faces he did. Why, just 10 years ago they hated the guy calling him a racist and all sorts of nasty things (including having Sarah Palin as his running mate- remember how they behaved?) for having the temerity to run against another shit stained, corrupted fool in The Lightbringer Obama. The vastly over rated Lightbringer who sold cheap light bulbs.

He was a walking text book example of why term limits are needed.

We all talk about politicians being dishonest shit bags and out to look for their own interests. We know this. It's part of the public conscience. We see it on TV and in the movies, in music and other modes of communication. Everyone hates the career politician.

What the fuck do you think McCain was? He's that.

Now he's a-okay and a model of 'civility' (despite calling his wife a cunt and Tea Party members 'hobbits'. Which I found weird because he not only looked like a hobbit but he also looked like Cotton Hill) and describing his death 'tragic'?

Old people dying of brain tumours isn't tragic. It's sad sure. Even funny to some. But tragic it ain't for fuckheads at Meet the Press. Journalism. Such a source and model of professionalism and A1 musings.

Where was I?

People who say how much they hate white people. And get this...Twitter leaves them alone as far as I can tell!

Check these out.

The scary part? He's likely to be shut down and not the pieces of racist shits making those statements.

Let's go after Alex Jones though. A guy who never said a racist thing!

I don't know. I just don't know anymore. I think they're just shutting down people who don't go along with the Democrat narrative and in particular with the Russia, Russia, Russia nonsense and lies.


More on McCain.


Speaking fo racism...do NOT speak about South Africa. In the 1980s, the world united against apartheid. Now there is no apartheid but there's an unspeakable war against white farmers that basically amounts to crimes against humanity they're that harrowing, evil and barbaric.

I'm glad Trump is talking about it.

He's the lone 'nut' in a room of cowards.

I wonder what Mr. Men of Peace like Bono and Obama think of this situation. They've been mightily silence. I mean, they're the conscience of all humanity right? I mean, they're always out their fucking squawking and wagging their filthy rich fingers at the world about how bad things are but yet are silence on this? Funny that.

U2 and their message of peace is about as profound and useful as Stalin giving lectures on the First Amendment.

How long must we sing this song?

A mighty fucking long time apparently.

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