
An Age Of Repugnance

Covid-19 has shown the true nature of nations and men.

It has shown itself to be no different than past eras claimed to be superior to.

We haven't progressed much. We deceive ourselves and each other into pretending we are more wise and compassionate.

And scientific.

We're none of those things.

We are cruel, superstitious and vindictive. We applaud nations who break the rule of law and act illegally against our own interests and liberty so long as they provide security in return.

I've seen my share of hypocrisy as well.

And cowardice and false virtue.

The deep psychosis is on a scale that quite possibly is unique in history. 

It's a strange mix of religious intolerance and Stockholm Syndrome. We observed mental illness was infected society and between the Woke cult and Covidiology we have one strange social phenomena.

Have we become this shallow, weak and idiotic to believe we're righteous because we wear masks?

People seem to conflate obedience with virtue.

Let's be honest here. People are anything if compliant and ready to conform. This is not necessarily bad onto itself provided it's by choice but it takes a more sinister turn when they demand those who do not consent and join them be coerced, cajoled and forced into their conformist world view. All the while acting in hypocritical activity.

They bow down to a 'cult of experts' including bureaucrats, doctors and CEOs.

The last groups we should be off loading our personal liberties to and abandoning critical thinking for. I've had my share of run ins with doctors in my life. Mostly because I ask questioned and don't allow myself to be manipulated. Doctors don't like to be questioned, and feel they have a right to manipulate. I don't like or trust people who don't like to be questioned.

The latest grotesque plot in this moral panic saga is yet another variant and the assault on children.

Just when I though maybe we could turn a corner the government and experts made sure that wasn't going to happen.

The 'Omicron' variant is essentially a cold. But that won't stop officials from panicking and scaring people.

Quite frankly,  I'd like to meet the fools who still buy the lies.

Speaking of lies, the Quebec government is not being honest with the population as it creates despicable propaganda ads designed to encourage vaccinations of 5-11 year-olds.

They claim it can reduce or stop transmission. It's been known for months this is not true and so it really begs the question of why would they be so brazen in their lies? Worse still, they continue to deny the fact kids aren't vectors of the disease which allows them to promulgate the 'they can spread it to granny' lie 21 months on. 

Again. This is on the parents though. If they trust their government, then there's not much I can say except they deserve what they get.

All this is showing is adults projecting their cowardly fears onto children. It's never about the children.

It's about the adults. 

There's no need for this. None. And it won't impact Covid one bit.

It's an age of repugnance. 

Don't know how long this will stay up:


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