
Something Is Rotten

The recent surge in vaccine propaganda has left me with a skeptical, bitter and concerned taste in my mouth.

There's something off in what's going on.

It doesn't make sense. This is not a normal vaccination campaign. This is something more.

Why are they pushing so relentlessly hard to the point they have violated every possible ethical code and legal standard? So devastatingly ruthless is the push it's overriding our laws without consent or legislative process! 

Even the vaccinated have to notice or sense this is all troubling.

None of the tactics offer encouragement. Rather it's all extortion and coercion.

Just when I think they can't sink lower. They find a way.

In what has been 17, long, tiresome, draining months of an endless stream of pseudo science measures and jargon, fear-mongering and outright lies, the latest assertion used by the criminal class designed to divide is 'the pandemic of the unvaccinated'.

The problem with this claim is it's very hard to actually prove. But it's worth reminding, these are no vaccines in the classic definition or even by the patents office standards for one simple reason. They don't prevent disease. They may induce antibodies but they don't prevent disease. Call this whatever you want - gene therapy injection is a popular one - but it's not a vaccine.

And still there are people asleep who go on the Internet and thoughtlessly repeat this vile bile of bunk and bull shit.

Imagine being so clueless you still accept the narrative peddled by the state and media as truth. 

There is NO evidence of such a thing happening. It's a lie. Just like the vast majority of the claims made during this moral panic.

Government is prolonging the pandemic. They can easily to an end to this TODAY.

But they do not not because of variants but because they are corrupted, incompetent and addicted to power and control.

Too many connected and powerful people are making money off this scam. It can't and won't end until the people bloody wise up.

It's taking way too long. So much so, I think it's too late.

Trudeau's latest idiotic escapade with the other bum Legault only shows these people have no intention of relinquishing there illegitimate and immoral grip on power. 

I find it grotesquely amusing Hajdu is demanding Alberta explain their decision to open up with scientific evidence. Sorta like how the Feds in Washington keep haranguing Florida and Texas. 

Kenney needs to hold that line and tell them to fuck off exactly how De Santis tells Biden to fuck off.

The Federal government has NEVER shown a single shred of evidence for masks or lockdowns or for any of their measures or claims. NEVER.

And here they demand Alberta do so?

Alberta should simply respond by saying: Show us YOUR evidence Ottawa.

Until then.

Fuck off. 


Has anyone also noticed that the way Legault behaves (and corporations like United Airlines), they give the impression this is a contest?

Quebec went from 1st to 7th in vaccination rates. That has to bruise the ego of a narcissist like Legault and may explain why he's upping the vaccine ante.

May he fail and suffer any consequences for his actions.


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