
Be Fearless And Courageous: Simply Don't Download Vaxx Passport App Or Consent To Mass Vaccination Of Children

Quebec is just about the worst place around these days.

Under this rogue and incompetent government, the province is essentially under the tight grip of one dim-witted man obsessed with vaccines and drunk on power.

The vaccine passports are a waste of money. It will prove to be as useful as masks which makes me wonder why are they even doing this given what we know about the vaccines and waning efficacy? 

In fact, I'm of the opinion the vaccines are already a failure.

People think they have no choice. BUT THEY DO.

We can easily form a non-compliance block. It's as easy as just not downloading the app. What is the government going to do if the majority simply refuse? 

Nothing. All they can do is just threaten a lockdown. 

In Moscow, that's what Moscovites did. They didn't play ball. The ghosts of Soviet communism remains present in their lives.

Westerners have come, for their part, to take for granted their liberties and have surrendered their rights without a fight for a virus that despite 18 months of incessant fear mongering does not pose a threat to us as a species.

Just say no.


Quebec is coming for the children. There is absolutely ZERO reason to do so. How parents would take an experimental vaccine and jab children who aren't in danger from Delta and Covid in general is unfortunate.

Quebec will without a doubt be a text book case on what not to do during a pandemic. On the opposite page will be Sweden.

I've lost colourful language in describing this government. It's been 18 months of harsh criticism to the point of exhaustion.

I stand by the history books will not be kind to Quebec and Canada.

It will be their legacy.

It will go down as the greatest medical catastrophe in history. 


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