
A 'Fight' Lost Before It Began

Canada and Quebec; Trudeau and Legault have lost.

They just don't know it.

As they put one of the most intense vaccination campaign in my lifetime - and probably in history. Likely at the behest of Bill Gates - they vaccines are floundering as we speak.

They're forcing people into a product that isn't effective.

Or all that safe.

It's the mother of all gambles and my hunch is they will owe the house a lot of money.

Everything points to it. 

The incoming data is dripping in and it's not all the impressive.

They want to jab you to protect their asses and for no other reason. They want you to ensnare you in their gamble. They want to make you a victim of their racket.

I care little they 'mean well' or it's not malicious.

Though at this point, using coercion based on lagging data is indeed malevolent and negligence.

On the balance and on the whole, the risk/reward of the vaccine is barely on par with natural infection and immunity. 

A vaccine needs to offer 100% protection and halt transmission in order tot truly be effective. It's simply not the cases. It's fallen to under 60% efficacy (and as noted before it's much lower than that in reality) and wanes after six months. It may go beyond that but that remains to be seen. It won't likely be effective against other variants and seems to be causing the variants as ADE also is now in full swing.

On top of all that, they took away rights from the unvaccinated leaving people outside gatherings thus giving a perverse disincentive to vaccinate. What's the point if chances of infection diminished still further by not being part of society? They're coercing people into a vaccine in the hopes of averting of a Delta wave. Guess what? They're still going to get the wave. Does anyone in the fricken Canadian and Quebec government not see what happened in Israel, Iceland and Gibraltar among the most vaccinated populations? Delta infections shot up regardless and contrary to the weird narrative here (which I take with a grain of salt), it's mostly VACCINATED people swelling the hospital ranks. And by all accounts despite the panic around Delta, the hospitals don't seem to be 'overwhelmed'.Stretched but not overwhelmed. As mentioned, what's happening in those places (and may happen here) is the ADE censored 'alt' doctors warned about.

And if one takes it and the vaccine dissipates after six months, what then champ? Boosters for life? Is this the game?

They never had a chance. By the time the vaccines came they were already obsolete. But officials and experts staked their reputations and spent money banking on its success and they must see it through. Hubris and lies is now leading this charge. Not science and truth. 

They know this crap is failing. But they need to make US the scapegoat. Imagine force jabbing tens of millions for nothing?! 

That our officials have segregated society for this and now starting to mandate it is irresponsibility personified. It's the epitome of incompetence in what has been 18 months of staggering stupidity, panic and incompetence.

This won't end well for them. But we still have a shot at redemption. 

Say no.

You have to or else this will never end. 

You took your double dose. You feel entitled to your passports. They presented to you a false dilemma lockdown or this. Now they will say you must take the booster. It may not be your choice.

Call their bluff.

And the wicked puppet master Gates goes away.

All this is adding up to is a divided nation and a loss of civil liberties.

You're not safe and the vaccines won't save us.

We will.

By not giving into the fear and threats anymore.


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