
What You've Signed Up For

Maybe you didn't read the fine print or have a hard time reading between the line, but you just signed a contract handing you health autonomy to the medical technocracy ruled by pharma.

You can't consent and comply your way through tyranny. It's just a mask....a curfew.... a vaccine.....a QR code....

The Q code is the final destination needed to corner you.

Having already played along for 18 months, you were not able to draw a line in the sand and downloaded the app. That was your Faustian Deal.

In doing so, you condemned us all to a life of medical serfdom.

Now, we have quacks who will have the power to control our health because they now have access to the most powerful tool of control of them all: Your phone.

Those boosters? Yeh, it won't be a suggestion. It'll be a threat or else....no cafe for you.

What will it take for you all to wake up that's no longer about a virus?

It's a cover for something else.

And you're sleepwalking right into it.

PLEASE, join us in this fight.

We will all win in the end.

Let's avoid Winton's heartbreaking submission to big brother.



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Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.