
What Is The Source And Make Up Of The Tea Party?

I must profess I don't know a whole lot about the Tea Party in terms of hard evidence. I have my thoughts surely and I shall impart my dimitted views with you. Unleash the Pigstalator!

Don't bother googling or yahooing Pigstalator. It is of my own invention. For private thoughts.

Bon. Ontowards the Tea Party. The way I rationalized them is probably different from the usual liberal-conservative narrative. Or the race issue. While, no doubt, each play a part in what seems to be a more diverse group than being described, I don't think it's the only bits to consider. As to whether it's an "astroturf" grass roots movement, I've yet to really read a credible in-depth examination of it. Much of it is reporting but I fear most reporters are focusing too much on the lowest common denominator and apply to small an overall prism to rationalize the movement properly.

To me, it feels more like a "state versus individual" issue. Just because some among the movement may come off as extreme to "moderate" sensibilities - indeed, I'm not so sure Palin is the perfect spokesperson for it. Although I have to admit, I just don't get people who chastise the movement's overall point: Smaller government, please - doesn't mean it must be dismissed. It may be a passing fad, time will tell. However, it may be best to pay closer attention to it rather than cajole its members.

So. Who are these folks? 

If they were really hip and savvy, they'd call it The Green Tea Party. Or The Decaf Green Tea Party.

The one thing I don't appreciate, if I may bring the liberal-conservative dichotomy back into the fold, is how liberals launch their own hyper-anectodal attacks on the Tea Party issue. Liberals were the great protectors and conveyors of the notion that dissent is healthy - if not necessary - to a healthy democracy. On that point, they were right. So why pick and choose which is good and bad demonstrative public protests?

Maybe some good can come of this whole episode?


  1. the TEABAGGERS are a DIVERSE bunch:

    - militia men
    - racists
    - xenophobes
    - birthers
    - klan members
    - confederate reenacters
    - middle school dropouts
    - rednecks
    - war mongers
    - seniors on 'social' security who hate 'social'ism
    - lovers of unfettered capitalism on food stamps
    - closeted homophobes
    - morons
    - sean hanninazis
    - gun clutchers
    - white seperatists
    - paranoid homeschoolers
    - limbaugh dittoheads
    - minute men
    - tongues chanting snake handlers
    - bible bangers who like to watch lesbian bondage
    - flat earthers
    - ruby ridge secessionists
    - greedy pricks
    - bored retirees who long for the days of white only water fountains
    - global warming deniers
    - survivalists
    - faux news $h!t kickers
    - neofascists
    - ayn randians born on 3rd base who think they hit a triple
    - creationists
    - wingnut yokels
    - reactionaries
    - neocons
    - GlennBeck bots
    - john birchers
    - red baiters
    - and illiterate goobers who think Jesus rode on the back of a triceratops

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