
Quebec Takes A Bow; Declares We're In A 'War Against The Virus'

The geniuses running Quebec never cease to amaze with their constant naked cynicism and condescension. 

We all knew Francois Legault was lying out of his teeth - he's a natural - when he said he didn't expect restrictions in December. That's a Lego tactic. Pretend he has no intentions and then hits the population with measures claiming he had no choice and blaming 'variants' as panicked Tv dinner experts egg him on and the dimwitted birdbrains in the media salivate for more destruction of the civil order.

What a combination these three.  

Just a reminder. Anyone notice how America is basically done with this the idiocy? Where here we have panic whores like Colin Furness and Don Vinh screaming for 'mo' lockdowns' the NFL and life continues in the USA. That's what happens when you have more courageous people in a population. You just move on.

No masks. No lockdowns. Just move on.

They say we're in a 'war against the virus'. I hate war sloganeering. 

One, because everyone who says it, notice, is a coward. Like Dube. War Pigs as Black Sabbath sang. Two, a war that is giving us trench warfare with Dube and Legault acting like Joffre and Haig.

It's almost the experience of the Great Society contracts of the  'War on Drugs' and 'War on Poverty' in the United States resulting in cultural and societal catastrophes doesn't register in their brains. 

When the state declares war on an invisible enemy (an aersolized respiratory illness at that) you should worry.

It can but end in failure and disaster.

But people have bought into the propagandized lies that the measures worked because it 'could have been worse'.

No, they have been a disaster. 

Omicron is gonna burn through faster than Legault's ability to think with any substance.

Other than that, how do you feel being betrayed by your government? Oh, you actually thought the government was going to honor their 'Covid social contract'? Yeh? Where did they sign? You do realize they got you to sign a contract they had no intentions of honouring right? It's what dishonourable psychopath do.

First they said masks = Liberty.

Then they said it was the vaccines = Liberty.

And of course the passports were a 'psychological' perk for the you good little obedient soldiers. A Scooby snack if you will. The passports, see, they assured would avoid lockdowns.

Here we are.

All vaxxed and masked up,captured by a QR code and nothing to show for it.

Not even a t-shirt.

Remember. Quebec is the hub for telemarketing scams. 

You were scammed.

You should be angry. Regain your dignity. Pass on the boosters until life is restored full stop.

Stop making excuses. 

This is not a life.


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