
Connect The Corrupted Dots And Follow The Money

And boy is the money trail staggering.

This is quite possibly the greatest corporate-medical heist in human history.

Everyone is getting a cut - except you.

Leaving aside the WHO-WEF-NIH-PHARMA-academia-media-Gates-Collins-Fauci complex and connection to all this, there are plenty of 'major players in Europe involved as well as as an endless stream of second-level' minions in academia and the medical and science fields cashing in. 

The corrupted obscenity is staggering.

The problem they have though is they got too greedy and power hungry. Where they could no content themselves with just stealing money through selling drugs, they wanted to reshape the world order and bring under control the entire world.

It's just like in the comic books. This chapter in the story of man has yet to close.

Here are some examples that only scratch the surface.

Canada, of course, is among the hub for this Covid money and racketeering scheme. We unfortunately do not not have famed and courageous investigative journalists like they do in the USA but we do have some citizen journalists and some organizations digging up some dirt. But we need more. The news that Eileen De Villa's alleged connections to pharma through her husband is welcomed, however, there are many more bigger fish to catch.

In case you didn't notice, despite having mostly escaped the Covid hysteria and the futile measures and illegal decrees that came with it, Sweden's new government ditched this strategy and joined the ranks of failed and corrupted nations. Now they're embracing the full gambit of Covid nonsense from lockdowns to passports. That leaves Florida on its own to lead some some U.S. states away from this racket. Who is the new leader of Swede? Why, a WEF disciple and graduate of course.  Just like our own Freeland and Singh. You can explore Canadian corruption here at Canuck Law.

Connecting the dots and follow the money = not in your best interest.

The latest to scrape up is this Ursula von der Layen and her husband. A power-corrupted couple Hillary would be proud of.


  1. ­●▬▬▬▬PART TIME JOBS▬▬▬▬▬● ­I ­can s­e­e what y­our saying Ru­by`s st0ry ­is ­g­o­o­d... ­o­n Saturday ­i ­g­ot ­care ­A­ft­er ­br­i­n­g­i­n­g ­i­n $7751 t­h­is ­past ­m­o­nt­h ­A­n­d just ­A ­l­itt­l­e ­ov­er t­e­n-grand t­h­is ­past-­m­o­nt­h. w­it­h­out ­A ­d­ou­bt ­it ­is t­h­e ­n­i­c­est-j­o­b ­I've ­ev­er ­d­o­n­e. ­i ­Actually started 6 ­m­o­nt­hs ­A­g­o ­A­n­d ­pr­etty ­mu­c­h straight ­Away ­began t­o ­br­i­n­g ­i­n ­At ­least $71, ­p­er-­h­our. ­I us­e t­h­e ­details ­h­er­e....................๐ฐ๐ฐ๐ฐ.๐ฅ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’.๐œ๐จ๐ฆ

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  6. My buddy's friend makes $96 hourly on the internet. She has been without artwork for five months however in the final month her charge emerged as $12747 really on foot on the internet for some hours. study more on this net internet site............๐ฐ๐ฐ๐ฐ.๐ฅ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’.๐œ๐จ๐ฆ

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  8. ­●▬▬▬▬PART TIME JOBS▬▬▬▬▬● ­I ­can s­e­e what y­our saying Ru­by`s st0ry ­is ­g­o­o­d... ­o­n Saturday ­i ­g­ot ­care ­A­ft­er ­br­i­n­g­i­n­g ­i­n $7751 t­h­is ­past ­m­o­nt­h ­A­n­d just ­A ­l­itt­l­e ­ov­er t­e­n-grand t­h­is ­past-­m­o­nt­h. w­it­h­out ­A ­d­ou­bt ­it ­is t­h­e ­n­i­c­est-j­o­b ­I've ­ev­er ­d­o­n­e. ­i ­Actually started 6 ­m­o­nt­hs ­A­g­o ­A­n­d ­pr­etty ­mu­c­h straight ­Away ­began t­o ­br­i­n­g ­i­n ­At ­least $71, ­p­er-­h­our. ­I us­e t­h­e ­details ­h­er­e.....................๐ฐ๐ฐ๐ฐ.๐ฅ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’.๐œ๐จ๐ฆ

  9. My buddy's friend makes $96 hourly on the internet. She has been without artwork for five months however in the final month her charge emerged as $12747 really on foot on the internet for some hours. study more on this net internet site............ ๐ฐ๐ฐ๐ฐ.๐ฅ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’.๐œ๐จ๐ฆ


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.