
Friends, Family. We Need To Talk. Don't Take The Booster. The Cost Is More Than You Think

As the usual assortment of miscreants, cretins and deplorable degenerates seek to capitalize on Omicron by further dividing society even calling for families to turn on each other (this whole narrative really has to collapse at some point, no?), it should have occurred to you by now that when the boosters became a thing (as predicted by conspiracists) you've been punk'd.

Look at this way. You're sold a medical product that only works if everyone takes it. If you take it, then you should be fine and protected. It's the same irrational nonsense with masks. Everyone has to wear one for it to work. Except, it doesn't. You can have 100% masks and 100% vaccinated and still Mother Nature and her virus (well, we all know it's man-made courtesy of one megalomaniac that lurks the halls of NIH who goes by the name of Faucimodo - no disrespect to Quasi) will still swirl around. You've all been fooled by a bunch of quacks and criminals - some of whom are held in high esteem - into believing their alchemic potions and amulets can lead to your freedom.

Meet Lyle Pfizer:

Freedom ! Hallelujah! Prrrrrrraise the Lord! Pfizer and Dr. Hotez (that little bow-tied passive aggressive twerp) have come to save us all! 

Look. This blog has always been about opinion and telling it like it is. And the is is saying the experiment with spike protein injection has been a spectacular failure. One that came with an enormous amount of pain, injuries and death. 

But what do the quacks in white coats say? It's ok it's still good! 

At this point, we should all be reacting to these serial harassers and condescending tyrants with a Foghorn Leghorn 'Aaaaaaahhhh shhhhaaaadap!"

You had 21 months to make a real difference. Instead of supporting treatments and devising real plans to help and save people all your did was divide (if you're listening to these buffoons and complying by not inviting unvaccinated people into your home then you deserve to be subjugated like the useless slave you are), shame and pin your hopes on your money and racketeering product that after a few months wane.

But here's the thing. And here I talk to my friends and family.

They've hooked you up to a retarded passport to control you. If you don't take the booster you're 'cancelled'.

If you don't show personal dignity, the government won't respect you. Now is your chance to say no to the booster as a matter of choice and principle. A strong message should be sent that we will not consent to coercion. Drop the intimidation and extortion tactics - ie passports - and the boosters will be seen in a more positive light. 

And if you want complete trust, stop threatening people and force Pfizer to disclose their evidence and tell the FDA to actually serve the people and stop seeking to delay any information we're entitled to to 2076 and beyond.

The booster is the end gravy train for the drug cartel and all the no-gooders hijacking its tail.

Say no. Not only because they suck (dude, they're telling you to take it every three months now) but because you're the helpless drug addict at the mercy of the peddlers, pimps and pharma cartel at the top.

There's no telling what they'll want you to put into your body once they get full control and fake consent.

What's so hard to see here?

If you still need a booster, wear a mask, social distance, asked to alienate unvaccinated people you know, wear a mask, show a test, still can get hospitalized and maybe die AND a passport just to go to Chili's or The Keg despite just getting two shots then maybe, just maybe (and I'm just spit balling here) you should smile because you're on....CANDID CAMERA! 

Now it's our turn to do the shaming and attacking.

We will no longer tolerate your apathy and senseless obedience to authority and second-rate physicians and paediatricians. It's not funny anymore because we're on the brink of losing what it means to be free and left alone. You're being conditioned to think the government cares about you and should take care of you.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Government is power and control.

Government is force.

And the medical bureaucracy is part of that sinister and shameless power dynamic.

But you know who has more power?




Stand by your conscience, principles and values.

Stand by your friends, family, and neighbours.

Stand by your community and country.

Stand by and kneel before God.

God and country. 

Do you understand? 


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