
An Apology Is Owed To Conspiracy Theorists

Funny how it all unfolded exactly as the conspiracy nuts predicted going back to at least February of 2020.

It was the conspiracists who warned:

1) This was a man-made virus.

2) A ploy to get the globe on a permanent vaccination schedule.

3) That harmless variants would be overplayed and a incessant campaign of fear propaganda would ensure people comply.

4) Passports would be introduced. 

5) Governments would illegally consolidate power and usurp the rule of law and remove civil liberties under the guise of 'public health'.

6) A permanent state of lockdowns and masks transitioning into climate change propaganda.

7) The elites would not abide by a single decree or order.

8) Quarantine and isolation camps would be set up. 

9) PCR was a sham.

10) This part of some sort of global agenda as flatly stated by Agenda 2030, Event 21, the WEF, WHO, Bill Gates under the terms 'global reset' and 'build back better'.

And I'm just scratching the surface. All of this was foreseen. 

Now look at the hyper over reaction to Omicron which is a mild strain within 97% of the original Alpha and Delta strains. 

More restrictions. More loss of liberties.

We owe conspiracists an apology. They tried to warn the people. Now we're in official trouble. Look at Australia. This is coming to Canada very soon. Stop thinking the measures are 'appropriate'. They are not. They're failures and only accomplish eroding civil rights. Wake up. WAKE UP. I feel like shaking every single person until they snap out of their Covid Stockholm Syndrome smacking their masks right off their faces. They need to be jolted back into sanity. 

What will it take for you to stop buying into this outright lie?


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