
It's Not Omicron That Threatens Global Public Health - It's the G7

 Health officers from the even largest economies have taken their lies and deceptions to a hire level claiming without fact - as is customary - that the Omicron variant 'threatens global public health".

Yet, according to South African public health experts, the variant is mild. Western scientists say it's too early to panic as more data is needed to complement what's being observed and experienced in Africa while already noticing for itself the variant seems to be highly transmissable but far less deadly than Delta.

IF, Omicron - which likely originated in young, healthy fully vaccinated people - evolves into a deadlier strain it will have done so because of a irresponsible mass vaccination campaign applying unnecessary evolutionary pressure on the virus according to several prominent virologists, vaccinologists and immunologists. In other words, the it will be man-made - just like the original virus itself which originated in a lab in Wuhan.

In case you haven't noticed, the vaccines are a spectacularly and catastrophic failure. Not only did the laws of diminishing returns kick in, we're now in negative efficacy territory. Universities, of course, incubators of cowards and mass hysteria, are reverting back to online teaching while they ruin the lives of unvaccinated students. Several institutions, Cornell for example, have 97% vaccination rates plus wear makss.

And still no one asks questions. Still people are too afraid to stand up to the bullies in control of our medical lives and ask: Why 2020 2.0 if the vaccines and masks work?

Of course, we know they don't. This is the great lie and deception.

Which really doesn't matter if Omicron ends up being a dud.

But don't expect world leaders to begin to prepare their populations to learn to live with a low circulating and endemic virus. 

No. They have taken fear mongering and hysteria to a whole new level. As the virus weakens, Western democracies are ploughing ahead with low quality vaccines and unethical passports. Makes you wonder what the end game was about all along.

So it is. The leaders of the wealthiest nations are doing what they do best: Engage in destructive and anti-science behavior for power and greed. 

It's not Omicron the threat.

It is the G7 and G20.

We have seen the enemy and it is us.


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