
Masks, Masks, Masks And More Stupid Masks

For the 55th time, masks are having NO IMPACT on the virus.

Yet, the same tired epidemiologists with stale messages (because they don't know what they're talking about) continue to babble about stuff they know nothing about - like masks.

One of our favorite - aside from Isaac Boguch - epidemiologists is Colin Furness - who like his colleagues continue to promulgate the notion of lockdowns if you could believe it despite the massive literature showing its catastrophic results with NO BENEFIT.

But there was Milhouse the other day on CTV once again screaming for the closures of restaurants and mo' masks. 

It's astonishing to witness. 

Makes you wonder at this point if they're any good at what they do or if they're on the take.

And plenty of people are on the take on this vaccine scam. It's massive.  Journalists and citizen journalists alike have uncovered and continue to uncover how deep the racket and corruption runs.

This will be for another post on an on-going basis.

In the meantime, we can but continue to try and get the truth out and wrestle the power away from public and academic health officials who have made a complete disaster of the Covid response. 

Hopefully, they will have to one day explain themselves. That Neil Ferguson and Tony Fauci are still out there doesn't give reason for too much hope but we must not relent.

Here's a six part series on masks by Ty Science Guy.


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