
A Star Is Born: And It Is You

We're living in a novel right now.

Two competing visions of the virus not unlike anything else in the culture wars.

It's this intense friction that has us characters in a play; a story.

We live in limbo uncertain where the next chapter takes us.

This is no longer about science and facts. Or even politics.

It's purely psychological.

As I've mused about since March of 2020. From the onset my position was lockdown and masks only triggered our most primal emotion: Fear. And that coming out of it would be a long process. At that point, we allowed hysteria and a moral panic to set it and policies and rhetoric attached to it have followed.

I warned the cure would inevitably be worse than the disease and that the 'unseen' were entirely foreseeable for astute observers of history and human nature. The longer government kept people in masks further giving the impression they work, the worse it was going to get. Now we have a situation where a Prime Minister openly and overtly says he will over turn the Charter to attack a segment of the population who wish not to partake in this irrational escapade. They do not want to star in this play.

I made two predictions. That this was going to be the greatest medical hysteria in history and later when it was evident the experimental vaccines gave the impression they were working, my senses told me the laws of diminishing returns was about to kick in. I declared early in 2021 the experiment was a failure. But the disaster was the fact so much money and reputations were staked in them. It was obvious a scapegoat was going to be needed for them to avoid blame.

At every chance, we look to increased to tonal dramatic bear of fear. It's a hurricane of madness and no one knows how to reign it in. Perhaps there is no way. After all, we're dealing with a deep psychosis largely driven by mental illness. 

This is what makes it frightening. We've crossed the Rubicon of having eradicated established ethical and legal codes of conducts and standards. Now we wander around delicately but the whispers of atrocities are gently beginning to enter our minds.

Anyone who has used divisive rhetoric has made themselves into sowers of discord.

Tyranny of the majority - mob rule - is now writing the script.

Salem has already arrived with the unvaccinated cast as witches. Nazi Germany also tells us the unvaccinated are scapegoat just like the Jews. 

Will there be a Reign of Terror? The reactionary period of the French Revolution where Robespierre ran amok murdering dissenters all over France with the Jacobins.

I don't know. But officials have not moderated their rhetoric. In fact, they continue to be irresponsible and immoral only adding more fuel to the fire. People have no kept up with any information or data. They remain firmly entrenched in the fear developed in March of 2020. Not even their fears have changed much.

There is nothing to do now but wait and hope, We can but continue to speak the truth. Challenge the official orthodoxy.

It won't be heeded but we must.

Our duty now is to collect and transcribe all the information that has been ignored. A time will come when it will be vital to have access to these truths. Like the Monks diligently preserved the classical works of Ancient Greece and Rome, we must be vigilant and do the same with lost knowledge during this period.


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