
Unions And Reality

I don't know what the solution is but I imagine one way is to grandfather-in those pensions already negociated - if you can renegociate all the better- stop hiring because we have too many civil servants (in Quebec) to begin with and quit the notion of "guaranteed contracts with society."

Granted, not all former servants have generous packages but where they are, they must be ended or ratcheted downwards. Public servants benefits shouldn't (in theory) exceed those in the private sector since it's the latter that generates the revenues to cover all costs. I think there's something drastically wrong when public servants have $300 000 pensions; especially in stressed financial and emotional times.

Something about there being "more takers than producers."

Florida (in link):

“One of the ways people do that is through the symbolic benefit of their service, touching on things that get at people’s emotions. They usually use terminology like, ‘We’re the ones running into burning buildings while you’re running out,’” said Matkin. “These are symbolic metaphors of their potential sacrifices and how that should provide some extra benefits that they deserve.”

It's called an appeal to emotion.

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