
More On Eltahawy

Discussion on Eltahawy at Volokh.

Large parts of it focus on the role of cops in this incidence. Notably, if they have to announce why they're arresting somebody. The answer is, for the most part, yes.

Even as my wife and I watched this vapid episode, she asked why the police just didn't tell her since it was so blatantly obvious. "Ma'am, we're arresting you for vandalizing." Logical enough.

The other thing brought up by my wife was it looked staged and there were moments in the footage that gave the impression it was. However, apparently she had announced on her twitter account she was planning this so people were ready with cameras. It was kinda staged.

Finally, that she did so arguing she was against "hate" is irrelevant and is a strawman against the illegal act of vandalizing property. I just hope the "Heckler's veto" doesn't take root here. She shouldn't prevail on any level lest freedom of speech be damaged. It simply would send the wrong cue to society.

It would further spare us from such dreadful intellectual gibberish as "advertising is NOT free speech, its (sic) paid speech, further separating the haves from the have nots."

And someone pays her for her opinions?

Some comments:

"I hesitate to defend this silly woman, but perhaps she is going off the quite common idea, even found in legal classifications, that crimes against property are not violent crimes, that such crimes are reserved only for crimes against persons."

"I would love to catch her in one of her more lucid moments and ask if it would be ok to spray paint something she owned in "non violent protest". Dunce."

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