
On TV Tonight: Pathetic Political Theater: Death OF Bat-Man And Freedom

You know, the Obama administration will like nothing better than to hang out to dry a U.S. citizen for a cheap video clip in connection to an irrational uprising in a part of the world that would riot even if a sock puppet insulted their prophet.

Seriously? Seriously? They're going to arrest this guy?

Absolutely the wrong message, if this is what they're pining for (after all, it is an election year) to send the Mid-East.

Land of the free my ass.


The state is the enemy of the state if you as me.

"THE US military has designated Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as enemies of the United States - the same legal category as the al-Qaeda terrorist network and the Taliban insurgency."
Yes, because the U.S. government was forthcoming on the Chris Stevens tragedy. Let's believe them.

I understand the security concerns, however, what about the saying "who will guard the guardians?" Right now, Wikileaks plays the part.

This is an assault on the First Amendment.

Alas, people don't care.

They care more about getting their splits of spoils from the state.


"You know, progressives, over the last several decades you ridiculed the standards that gave us film footage of Elvis dancing from the torso up, obscenity trials against Henry Miller, theNaked Lunch, and Ulysses. You defended Mapplethorpe and you defended Piss Christ, and you defended Larry Flynt as I do. However, you are no longer in a position to ever do that again. Your guy, the one you put in the White House, the one you are going to vote for again, embraces an eighth century standard of blasphemy.

You are a fucking joke, Progressive America if you don't turn your backs on Obama's medieval ass now after this display of appeasement."

Quoted for truth. Progessives irritate me more than group of people.

The progs were right to defend the people mentioned in the quote. I watched Damned in the USA (back in the days in university when I was dating prog chicks), while I thought Mapplethorpe's art to be 'whatever' he had a right to express it. Period. Where I bolt is they have no right to PUBLIC money to do it.

Piss Christ was outrageously dumb (but iconic to others) but again, freedom of expression. Had it been done during Obama's term, I highly doubt we'd be getting:

"The future must not belong to those who would slander the Prophet of Islam" Jesus Christ." (From the UN speech - look it up).

I know in one of his appeasement speeches he added Jesus but my point is, had none of this happened, he wouldn't. As he should, since you know, we're a secular society.


But....in the midst of all this...

"The president's very pleased that the two sides have come together," and he added, "It's a great day for America....And kneel before Zod!"  Purple bold mine.

/Krusty the Klown groan.

Can the President do something about the MLB umps? I mean, how many first base calls can you blow!

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