
Would You Do It?

If I ever hear another Frenchmen chastise Americans for their lack of sophistication again I promise to hit them hard with three-day old baguette.

Check this disturbing video about a documentary in France exploring the power of television. I wonder if they'll spin it to blame the "decadence of American culture threatening to destroy France." Or, to be trendy, blame Bush and Cheney for how evil they can be. Kidding aside, it does point to the sad reality of where we sit as a species. So much for that quantum leap into another state of being.

In the end, in a country that praises itself on progressive thinking, turns out not even the quarrelsome French are immune to the intoxication of television and the madness of crowds.

So. Should TV be a medium mirroring life? What and where is the line? Or is TV now equal to the Roman Colosseum where people watch destruction for entertainment?

Personally, I have never, ever watched any reality TV. I don't get it and don't want to get it. It doesn't interest me in any way. It looks like, clearly, I'm in the minority.

Go read a fucken book you lazy shits.

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