
I Don't Know What To Title This Post

My friend proclaimed, "government is inefficient because big corp owns it." The context to which he said this that in choosing between the two, he thinks corporations are more detrimental to democracy since they have infiltrated government to form an uneasy if not unholy alliance.

While we agree the fusion of business, politics and even the nastier elements of life (e.g. organized crime) have always been a part of the game, it does make you wonder about how it impacts the policy and decision making process and to what degree. I mean, here you have enormously wealthy people whispering sweet nothings into the ears of politicians who sometimes are to stupid or afraid of their own shadow to stand up for something called "convictions."

Maybe that's what he meant by waste. To the extent that decisions are made less with the people in mind and more with what special interest and big business want.

Me? I hate those stupid fucking emails bosses send showing "This Month's sales reports" or some other lame ass briefing. Corporations are cults. Toe the line or you don't get to be part of the the foursome at the golf charity! Everyone knows it's not the person who is cultured who gets the respect in a company (except for a couple of groupies), but it's the successful salesman.

From time to time you have the pleasure of meeting some who combine both. Some are even the best at what they do at which point you can point and say, "Good for him. He truly is class."

But more often than not, many names on those lists you wouldn't share an elevator with for fear of being figuratively murdered by their banal thoughts and verbal vomit. I would prefer to have the cables snap.

"Hey, Bobby! Waaaay to go! You sincerely are a pure, deceitful asshole who treats people with disrespect but you're number one this month so you can be sure you will be protected for one more month for any indiscretion you hoist upon this good (but corrupt) office! And thanks for the hockey tickets - wink, wink!"

I always wanted to reply to the company email. "Something like, why don't you all suck my balls?" or something like that.

I should have in hindsight.

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