
Loss Of Community Spirit

I was listening to a radio show discussing the problem of doctors and nurses who don't wash their hands after seeing a patient. The issue covered many things including how shy people are to ask a doctor to wash their hands or when they do, it can be met with defensive and rude responses.

This is a symptom of a larger problem. From over-worked, over-stressed medical staffs all the way to a general lack of politesse in society.

Which brings me to a caller who happened to be a doctor. He said something that perked these ears. "There's no longer a sense of community in hospitals..."

Truer words have never been spoken. Walking into hospitals that's exactly the feeling I get. Once in a while you come across a great, compassionate person but they're the exception now. Our sense of community is a dead concept.

It should be resurrected. We need to find our humanity again.

1 comment:

  1. It's so true, and not just at hopsitals, but with regards to businesses and government too. It seems one of the greatest costs of modernity is the community spirit.


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