
It's Up To You Now

'Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God'. Ben Franklin.

'Emergencies have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have eroded.' Friedrich Hayek.

We're at that cross roads now.

The tyrants - public officials including epidemiologists - are eroding our liberties.

We all know Covid is here to stay. The question is how do you want to proceed? 

In perpetual masked up, social distanced fear or to go on as normal humans free to make your own decisions and to make your own risk assessments?

As you know, I'm no fan of epidemiologists these days. We treat them as gods and scientists but they're really just humans who model and track viruses. Nothing they say is backed by empirical evidence. I would have hoped people came to this realization by now but it would appear fear has completely eroded their critical thinking skills.

Epidemiologists should NOT be talking about social policy anymore a mathematician should.

So we should VOCIFEROUSLY REJECT their idiotic 'new normal' crap. Canadian ads say the more we mask up the quicker we get back to life but there's a problem. Increasingly, they're expanding this window to be 2-5 years. Think of it. They want to take, at the minimum TWO more years from your life. Do you understand what the HUMAN COST will be to this? 

Last night at the Super Bowl 25 000 fans without masks were in the stands. Hello. 

Meanwhile in Quebec we can't see family members and are in a curfew?

Have you not noticed how they have strung you along?

Flatten the curve, stop the spread, don't overwhelm the system, 28 more days, new variants etc. It's ok. It'll all be over soon. Never mind. We changed our minds. This virus is here to stay and all its variants. Stay scared and surrender your life.

All this is designed - unwittingly or otherwise - to force a habit on you. And it's all based on dubious assumptions about Covid-19.

But there are simple observations to make.

If the R-value is below 1 - which suggests the virus isn't as transmissible or at least slows its spread and a low herd immunity thresh hold -  why are we stuck in perpetual panic mode?

The virus, assuming it's a virus, we KNOW preys on ONE demographic. So why are acting like it's a threat to all of us? 

So. Here's how they Kafka-trapped us.

By playing off the cases, hospitalizations and deaths. When hospitalizations come down, they then shift focus to deaths. When deaths come down, they shift to cases. And there will always be cases so long as we use PCR testing (because it picks up all viral fragments dead or alive in the human body) at high CT-values like we do in Quebec and Canada, we're going to be in an endless vicious cycle of living a social distanced, masked up, curfew nightmare.


It will take true leaders to lead us out of this. The general population just doesn't realize what's going on. You'd think with all this time on their hands they'd make the effort to investigate and research in detail the situation rather than just continuously rely on officials and media.

We only come out of this if we make it so. Now is the time.

Or else this is what's going to happen.

You've been wearing the masks and social distanced for this long.

Why not just continue?


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