
Daily Derp: Mandatory Derpination For The Greater Good

Just a reminder. You were warned Quebec and Canada. Plenty of scientists have advised against mass vaccination. You are irresponsibly messing with mother nature. 

They will not be able to say 'we didn't know!'


Sweden recorded zero deaths. 13% of the population is fully vaccinated.

Think about this.

Now contrast this with the obscenity going on Quebec and Canada. Full blind throttle into vaccines.

Sweden always had it right from the onset. They allowed for natural immunity and they will emerge from this in the long-run in far better shape than Canada, their European neighbours and Australia and New Zealand. We got it wrong. And continue to get it wrong.

The vaccines are designed for a spike protein that no longer exists. Officials somehow think the vaccines are going to be effective against variants - likely caused by mass vaccination. Rather than pivot they now have increased their dangerous rhetoric to blaming the unvaccinated. 

Sweden proves this is WRONG.

Australia, Iceland, Israel and UK all have increased 'cases' (whatever that means). Three of those countries have among the highest vaccination rates in the world. Australia is a curious case. They have low vaccination rates, and still the vaccinated are filling their hospitals. 

Contrary to the specious claims being peddled by Fauci (how in the world is this unethical, unseemly, and shady criminal still allowed to speak publicly?) and media (that's why. Media and its army of mealy mouthed dimwitted journalists), the vaccinated are being hospitalized. They say this variant is now effecting all age groups. Yes, because WE didn't allow for natural immunity in those groups. Think of it, last year when the virus was 'rampant' those groups weren't effected. Now that we've erroneously unleashed a mass vaccination campaign, they're in danger? 

That's not the virus. That's us who created the Frankenscariant. Just my perception.

The mere fact we're not allowing for honest debate makes be skeptical and suspicious. 

Biggest medical miscalculation in history.

A bungle so big, I can't see how they're going to right the ship. Other than attempt to scapegoat healthy and innocent unvaccinated people acting with their conscience and of free will.


A study in Emory says surviving Covid confers lasting immunity to various diseases.


RSV kills more kids than Covid.

But vaccinate the kids.


Very odd what's going on with Health Canada. Not surprising. I long knew Canada just copies the United States but to admit it in this way is a first.

So, in effect, we have to wait for the highly political and corrupted FDA/CDC to make our calls.


Recall, the vaccines can only be given under an emergency. Once it lifts, the vaccines must not be administered because they're not approved. So Canada is acting unethically by stretching the emergency trope in order to vaccinate as many people as possible. Quebec is the worst - surprise - offender.

So many codes and laws have been broken, I can't even keep up anymore. We will definitely regret this.


Regulatory and monetary capture of alleged independent public institutions by corporate pharma interests a problem.


The Bizarro-Far Side-Twilight Zone effect continues to evolve.

The UK will consider people who took the placebo during trials as 'fully vaccinated'.

Blatant and pure corruption right there. Methinks officials took the placebo as well as they look to exempt themselves from the vaccine passports.

You fools who are again being hoodwinked into thinking this is intelligent and will be applied justly, once again show you're naive. You're too bust directing your anger at the wrong people who are merely tying to alert you to the fact this is not going to go as you think.

We're all going to pay. Except the criminals pushing this agenda.


Tess Lawrie explains the importance of Ivermectin on Bret Weinstein.

Great interview but they still haven't accepted science is broken and corrupted. They'll get there.


Australia and New Zealand in terrible shape. And not because of the virus.



Rockefeller money corrodes the University of Toronto. U of T gets both Rockefeller and Gates grants.

Both Rockefeller and Gates have roots and connections to the eugenics movement of the progressive era.

They are not our friends.

And neither are Canadian institutions who take their money. 


Lasting immunity for asymptomatic and mild infections to Covid.

Another example of why the vaccination program is a catastrophe in the making.


Interesting article on the Mennonites in Manitoba and the vaccines.


They told you to stay in.

Where transmissions are known to occur.

Save lives.

Like many things they ordered you to do, it was wrong and stupid.

And they're doubling down on the stupid.

It's not a stretch to think they're wrong about the vaccines either.


My daily reminder Drunko Dube, Officer Arruda and Boss Hogg Legault are buffoons.




ARS among the vaccinated.

Did I mention this is a disaster in the making?

Noble white lies are still lies.


Court in Spain rules lockdowns unconstitutional.


Up until now, small victories have been sporadic. We need more to build momentum.

Canada has not done its part. As usual, we're laggards and followers.

Not a nation of leaders.


France erupts in massive protests. Macron must pay.

Allez France! When will it be enough for you dear citizens of Canada?

Will you drop your indifference and fear and fight for your liberty?

In fact, protests have been increasing in frequency and have taken place from Madrid to Bratislava to London to Berlin to Turin to Athens to Paris and even here in North America. 



Where are the autopsies?

Good question.

Here in Quebec they ordered to not perform them in 2020.


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