
Come September Be Prepared

Back in the summer of 2020, Legault, in his usual Orwellian manner, proclaimed 'masks are liberty' while Dr. Doom Arruda said lockdowns weren't in play. By October, they proceeded to lockdown until end of May.

This time around they say unethical 'vaccine passports' will be used to avoid lockdowns but my guess is they will do it anyway just like they lied in 2020. I don't believe for one second they will only react where there are outbreaks and that hospitalizations and deaths will be the metrics. We know hospitalizations will go up because they always do during flu season. Deaths remains to be seen but, again, they tend to spike during influenza season. So I fully expect them to over react regardless. 

This government is too addicted to the pseudo-scientific script to reverse script.

Worse, even with a high percentage of the population vaccination (around 82% one dose and 60% double), they will still use divisive rhetoric and come up with unnecessary onerous rules to avoid the over hyped Delta variant.

It's Canada.

I wouldn't expect anything less but fear and panic.

Come September, I'm not hopeful about what they have planned. 


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