
Legault Is Fraying The Social Fabric; Quebec V. Sweden

As if pitting citizens against one another riling them up with angst wasn't enough through his decrees and anti-science measures, now Legault has the OLF going around fining restaurants for language signs.

Kick them while they're already down. A more despicable and cowardly act you can't get. That's the OLF for you. If Legault has any sense of honour and decency left he calls them off. This is unacceptable. 

Morale is fractured at the moment and it's largely due to the buffoons running the CAQ and their cynical political measures. 

Quebec is just about the most embarrassing jurisdiction on the continent.

And don't think this man will pivot. His ego will ensure he doubles down. Why? It's simple, he's not following any kind of science so it's very easy for him to just declare a measure as he sees fit.


How Legault continues to falter handling the pandemic.

When the world's top experts are calling for an end to lockdowns and to use a much more measured and focused approach (ie isolating the elderly and opening society up), Quebec intensifies its restrictions.

But even the choice of measures are futile. Consider:

Masks have not stopped the spread. We still see a rise in cases (mostly through PCR tests that likely inflate cases). Quebec does not monitor the results. Which means this measure is predicated on the whims of one man. Legault pokes fun at The Montreal Gazette and CNN (and rightfully so) for being overly fearful, yet his own measures undermine his criticism since masks and lockdowns are rooted in panic. 

He has mandated masks be worn in all the places where the data shows aren't main drivers of outbreaks. Schools, malls and restaurants. It's a triple error. All this will do is prompt him to double down on restrictions. In other words, they're completely running opposite to the science.

He's also peddling the contact tracing app. Seven months after a virus was discovered. This is a highly contagious virus that spreads fast. Contact tracing is effective when employed early and usually with slower moving viruses. Just another feeble attempt on his part to show he's doing something. 

He had said contact tracing invades private rights and like usual Legault says one thing and does another. There are several words for people who behave this way. 

A cynic reading all this will conclude all this is done by design to keep people in fear to prep them for their next scheme: Vaccines. 

Francois Legault and Horacio Arruda and their UN pins are a staggering disappointment and failed leaders.

Quebec versus Sweden:

QUEBEC: Deaths case/per million: 725. Cases per million: 11 585.

SWEDEN: Deaths per million 580. Cases per million 10 930.


Canada's overall CFR is .078.

Sweden. .072.

USA: .035.

Remind me again?

Our measures are costing a lot but rendering little. 


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