
New Segment: Trolling Frank

I decided, since I'm not on Twitter (because it's poison to society and Jack Dorsey is an ignorant punk-twat), I'm going to troll Francois Legault using this humble but feisty blog.

Let's start with this tweet about him reading '23 books' since the health panic started. Here's the list.

Be wary of people who show the books they read. 

It says Churchill I think Lenin is more up his alley. Nothing like a petty tyrant to believe he's Chuchillian.

What this Tweet shows is Legault is a shameless propagandist. He probably read Bernays 'Propaganda' for tips. Notice his mug superimposed on the books in the background. There are over 50 and none of the actual books he claims to be reading. It screams inauthenticity.

Times of peace make weak men indeed. Faux-leaders like Legault probably view the virus as them leading a people through a 'war'. A mostly hyped one. A cynical one. We're always at war with Eastasia 

Churchill led a people and told them keep calm and carry under one of the most intense aerial attacks in history with the Blitzkrieg. 

Legault is locking down society causing great harm fraying the social and economic order with dubious measures not rooted in any kind of science while not providing a shred of proof. 

They have predictably not worked. All for a virus with roughly a 99.96% survival rate. 

Churchill: Blitzkrieg.Keep calm and carry on. Legault. Covid-19. Keep scared and stay home alone. 

And wear a mask and wait for the vaccine.

One was a hero. The other is a coward. Legault confuses being a propagandist with being a leader.

People followed. Legault is hiding behind medical bureaucrats and following the Global reset lockstep protocol.

Churchill was a leader who saved Britain because he stood up and stared down Hitler. De Gaulle escaped France to fight from the shores of Britain. Legault hides behind medical bureaucrats as De Gaulle hid behind American might. 

If Legault learns a lesson it should be this:

I shall lead the people through this difficult time not by giving more beating to improve morale, but learn how to live with a virus even without the spectre of a vaccine. I will not steal their liberty for this would break God's covenant and authority having given us this right. We have paid enough of a price. It's not the people's job to end their lives to 'save the system'. It's MY job. I will fix this. It is time to end this hysteria. Please. Go on. Drop the masks. Hug each other. Strengthen your mettle. Regain your humanity.

THAT'S the message he should be giving.

Not this crap about 'going in the wrong direction' (notice how they all say that. So it's a shitty scrip they follow), or this madness of equating hope to the vaccine. These measures are designed not to save you but to force you into believing you need a vaccine; to trick into thinking this is the only way back to normalcy. In the process they foster sinister false-virtue.

It's unethical and a sin.

But this is the route they chose. It's a failure of leadership of staggering proportions.

We can but wait and hope the damage is limited.

It's really up to the people. From what I can observe, the resolve, morale and mettle is low and weak.

I like this quote in response to a Sheeper who bought the 'Nigerian Prince' scam about him reading books:

"S’il te plaît Mariam, je comprends que tu es une bonne personne... Mais ne perds pas ton âme, pour ces ignobles manipulateurs.."

Sans doute mon ami.

Sans doute.

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Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.