
Justin Prepares To Lead The Nation Into Economic Anarchy; Legault Leads Quebec

Whenever I hear about Justin during this (especially after his preposterous claim to shut down until a vaccine is found), I think of Denethor's despair:

He went from Zoolander to Denethor in one month. This is what happens when you take your cues from the UN and 'admire' China.

No Justin. Just because you and your party failed Canada succumbing to your ideologue impulses, doesn't mean we must bow before a pandemic. You chose to let the events lead you. You didn't lead. Now you despair. Step aside. You and your Ministers.

This is ludicrous.

Now is not the time to recoil.

I thank the Lord Legault in Quebec is going the other way.

We prepare for battle. That means we open up this economy.


Flatten the DEBT curve.


I'm getting a kick out of people now furiously reading up on germ warfare. When I was attempting to bring this up in discussions nearly 20 years ago, it was either met with empty eyes, looks that suggested I was a conspiracy nut, or was told I need to stop reading. No joke.

They remind me of people who don't pay attention to soccer except for every four years when there's a World Cup and all of a sudden they're experts on the game.


Same with the sudden surge in joggers on the streets.


The Toronto Star claims there will be about 500-700 deaths and 22 000-31 000 cases by April 16. Let's monitor this. I wouldn't be surprised this misses.


We're going to ruin the lives of millions and the economy for 22k, however tragic, deaths?


A doctor friend basically told me to smile and take it. This enraged me. He doesn't have to find 100k in rent for a period of 12 months. Talk about not seeing the tress in the forest. Or something, I forget how that goes.

I think it's time to stop listening to the medical bureaucrats. Decisions of steel will have to be made and this must come from our leaders.

A doctor' sole mandate is to save as many lives as possible whatever event presented before them. Nothing else matters. All focus must be on the pandemic.

I find it interesting. In good times of peace, no one gives a shit about two demographics: The elderly and Veterans.

All of a sudden we're putting all our chips on 76 red as the roulette spins in order to save every single elderly person and if you dare question this, you're a monster. Me? I see hypocrisy. I've always wrote on this blog about our mistreatment of the elderly and Veterans all year round but nothing ever gets done.

These same people who ignored it, pretend to care. No. I'll only take you seriously when you express outrage when it's not personally expedient to do so.

Anyway, outside this parochial prism, resides the 'unseen'. To what degree is it proper, if not moral, to ask people to sacrifice their own well-being for this 'war'? We've hit a wall and clearly, based on the raw data, I think the idea of purposely triggering a depression is just about the most irresponsible thing we can do.

Francois Legault seems to understand and may have the courage to push forward. He is leading.

Donald Trump too. He may just make Canada's decision for us. If he opens up, we'll have no choice.

Justin has signalled he doesn't have the strength. Once again, he's failing to understand the realities as presented. Like during the trade negotiations it was wise not to insult Trump and play ball by considering his bigger play on global trade (ie dealing with China), Justin and Freeland took a shockingly immature and shallow posture while hiding behind internationalist lingo to give a false impression of advancing Canadian interests.

Now he wants other people must sacrifice for the 'greater good' and is prepared to put us into the depths of depraved debt for it.

The moment of truth is fast upon us.


If Justin really cared, he get rid of the carbon tax given the economic stress and duress faced by millions.

But like I said above, this won't happen because he's letting his ideology stand in the way of what's right and needed.


Legault and Trudeau are clashing. For the first time in my life I side 100% with Quebec. So thoroughly disgusted I've become with Canada, I'd even consider voting for its dissolution.

If this country can't be bothered to stand up for itself, then who needs it? Quebec is looking out for its own interests and I appreciate the way its leaders are handling the situation.

Canadians lost me when they rolled over and accepted the new lyrics for our anthem. It was done for all the wrong and most shallow of reasons.


The pandemic is not war.


When this is all over, if we don't see our government stockpile necessary equipment, we will know the level of corruption we face. 


On how the media has treated Trump:

Recall LBJ’s comment about the press. He said; "I could walk across the Potomac and tomorrow’s headlines would read...“PRESIDENT CAN’T SWIM!!”

The media's behaviour through this pandemic has not been enlightened or helpful.

It's been shameful and a disgrace.

No one watches the news in this house. 


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