
And So The Misleading Headlines Begin And Still More Rants

Oh, look here's a surprise.

Now we're starting to see the results of a forced lockdown on the macro-social level.

Gee, you mean people seeing their lives ruined for little reason isn't going to lead to bad result?

But leave it to politicians and media to get it backwards. The virus is not the one causing social angst in the form of domestic violence, suicides, bankruptcies etc.

It's US. It's our reaction to the virus and the forced lockdowns that led to it.

Blaming a virus is just about the most ignorant and absurd thing you can espouse.

Looks like our politicians are that stupid and myopic. They looked at this through a single prism which is why they undertook the extreme measures they did. Now, I can live with 6-8 weeks just to reign things to get it under control (if possible), get people used to it and just feel around what the virus is.

But as I've been cautioning since day one, provided we keep in mind this can't go on that much beyond that point. It's basic human behaviour. And what concerns me was the stringing along and before you know you lost one year of your life and income. The longer it goes, the more difficult it is to get people out. In the beginning I wondered if we opened up if pent-up demand would lead to a quick turn around but by now I think the 'fear' has settled in people and they will be more cautious and judicial in their habits. For example, it may take time fo restaurants to see their locals full again. I could be wrong.

But that should encourage the government to open up. Quite frankly, I personally think the government is now in illegal activity territory if they insist on using this strategy. It's time to let people learn to adjust to living with this virus because hate to break it to you, as noted below, the chances of a vaccine are low - at least not in the time frame they suggest. Hence, the longer we stay closed the currency we give to doctors and people who will argue we stay closed until we find a vaccine 'just in case'.

This is where the precautionary principle loses its mind. This is where you may as well live in your own private nightmare.

A true leader with vision doesn't call people names and double down on lockdowns (I'm gonna bet studies and research will show this will have had a negligible effect. I base this on the fact we're realizing we've been living with it longer than first thought. I think we're going to be talking about our over-reaction for a generation. Will we learn from it?)

A true leader stands up and starts to prep people to get them back on their routines of life.

Later Legault is expected to speak and give his 'plan'.  I truly hope it's a logical plan with the eye to open up before end of May. I'm very cautiously optimistic he will.

I already have mine. I'm going to work where I belong. At some point, the population has to just put on its pants and lead the politicians if they won't.

I think we now know more about this virus and quite frankly the shut down is not justified. 


I watched those doctors on the week-end. Then I heard about Californians heading to the beach despite orders from that quack-retard Newsome and was proud for my fellow man. 
Also saw Boyce read what Youtube was asking of their content creator. Pretty shoCking even by their standards. At this point I have to wonder if Youtube can hide ‘muh private company’ anymore. Even private companies have to adhere to laws set by government.
Youtube is conducting a Reign of Free Speech Terror.
If this keeps up, we're gonna have to devise a whole new language just to keep the Blue Caps off our trail.
And that CEO can go fuck herself.

That Boyce got only 7 300 views for this is telling?


This is interesting. It really is shocking how people willingly believe Trump said to invest Lysol when it was pretty clear to me that's not what he said at all. You see, Trump is a pretty poor speaker and when he conveys something poorly, the media pounces. But in this case all he did was basically say 'disinfectant kills in one minute and so will UV light do the same thing?' That's it.

To believe otherwise is to just believe what you want to believe.

Of course, the idea of UV light is not jink science as the people 'who follow the science and fucking loves science' seem to think.

But here's how upside down things are.

Media, youtube and Google are censoring bio-tech companies conducting such research because.....Orange Man Bad? It's hard to follow the logic of tyrants and stupid people. 

Yes, I just said people who believe all this are stupid.

The reason is simple: All you have to do is go search it yourself.

There's no excuse to inject your body with media poison.


Sill think the WHO should be listened to?

Come you asshole celebrities! Go raise money for the WHO!

The idea that these jerk-offs think they raised money out of principle for Global Citizen is laughable when we know it was because Trump (rightly) withheld money from the WHO.

So it's rooted in sticking it to Orange Man Bad.

Celebrities are the most NPC of them all.


Still think CNN and media are not fake news?

This Tara Reade and Biden thing. Wow. The naked and stark hypocrisy of the left. And the silence....it's more deafening than when Obama started wars and led the most scandalous administration in history.


What's that song again? There's something going on here....

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