
Osama Makes Obama Tough

Obviously, President Obama is taking credit for nailing Osama down. We pretty much knew if that was going to happen under any leader, they would hog the attention. The same will happen when Iraq - when and if - it settles down. Human politics is like that.

However,  if memory serves me right, Obama and the left in general were against any of the wars to begin with - remember those human shields who went to Iraq in protest. Afghanistan may be a different case, but as a whole, the man of peace basically once again showed he is Bush on steroids.

It was interesting to listen and read liberals, who under Bush did nothing but undermine anything he did on the war effort, speak lofty about how Obama is finding his stride and voice as a leader in the aftermath of killing a terrorist. Blah, blah.

But now, it is all different since their guy caught the enemy.

I know I was against it but I inherited it!


Hey, do not get me wrong, all things aside, good on America. Just saying.

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