
Call Me When It's Conclusive


At what point do we stop listening?

Coffee is good one day. Bad the next. Same with chocolate, wine, sugar, and salt. For years and years every once in a while a "study" or "research" suggesting (read not conclusive) something is bad is usually followed up with a "but in moderation it's ok" report.

The media runs after each like groupies at a Zep concert.

This is why it's plain bad dumb to legislate (and support) laws declaring war on our health.

For example, what if a study is conducted determining pepper is bad for us is found to be faulty later, it may be too late since a politician looking to score off the fear of voters may have already made into law banning or limiting its use.

Where does that leave us as a "progressive" society?

Aside from a little less spice on our food, nowhere.

That's where.


  1. It would be a lot more conclusive if the news was not a mouthpiece for corporate PR campaigns that fund the studies which always say their food is healthy.

    If anything, you have the opposite of what you're claiming above. There aren't studies demonizing foods and getting them banned, there are mostly just studies about how chocolate is a "super food" or eggs are really that bad for you (though they are, especially if you eat the yolks).

    Name something legislated against that was said to be bad, when it fact it turned out benign, then get back to me. Until then, I find your mock outrage over piddly crap to not only be unimportant, but unfounded.

  2. Anonymous5/18/2011

    The problem is the levels of salt, sugar, etc. Processed foods will use these things in huge quantities. Consumers are robbed of a choice to have foods with lower amounts of salt and sugar to which consumers are free to add more, or add other ingredients in lieu of salt and sugar.

    I take my cooking seriously. I'll put the salt, sugar, or whatever else into my food according to my sense of discretion. I don't need big corporations doing it for me. Thank you.

  3. We're starting to see '25% less salt' or 'low sodium' products.

    Indeed, if you make everything from scratch you get to control the amounts. In my house growing up processed foods were kept at a minimum since my mother home cooked by hand.

    Those were the days. These days, there's just no time. However, it doesn't mean you can't find alternatives or you should just 'Swanson' your diet.


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.