
Irresponsible Clowns With Tired Ideas

I now officially detest and loathe the Liberal part of Canada and the wannabe NDP.

I used to vote for the the former and respected the latter. But their idiotic, cynical behavior is equal to the criticism hurled at Harper. I have a huge problem with parties who scheme to take down a government even before reading what's in, for example, a budget.

What the liberals and NDP are doing is not a showcase in leadership. It's blind, petty politics. Hey, when an El Salvadorian immigrant says Canada has crappy leaders as a friend told me earlier, then you know it's pretty bad.

I really don't see the purpose of an election. The liberals are NOWHERE near ready to lead this country. Not with the same old, tired crappy ideas they're pimping.

They called Harper's bluff.


Know what else? If Harper is a dictatorial right-winger, then call a spade a spade. Trudeau was a leftist ideologue who hugged communists.

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