
America In Libya

Really, did the President have to address his country during The Office? Usually, they do these things at 9pm eastern. Tonight, 7:30pm. Sheesh.

Yeah, I watched it.

Look, he addressed a few pressing questions and I have to say this was his most believable moment as a leader. If the Arab world - Libya in particular - was listening, I'm sure it won some points.

As for the Americans dead set against interventionism, I doubt it moved them.

All this to say, I know it's often said the world doesn't revolve around the USA, but sometimes, it just does. The Americans are the epicenter of everything when it matters most.

Deal with it.


Reminds me of the time when I was sitting in an Italian bar with a buddy. One of the guys was going on about how the name "America" didn't belong to the USA. That it was somewhat self-centered of them to refer themselves as "Americans." To which another replied, the Americans can call themselves anything they want. He continued, "we're just jealous of American power. When countries are in trouble, who are the first people they call upon for help?"



  1. We have every right to call ourselves "American". Canada could too... if it chose to. It is a part of our name, though, as in "United States of America". Would these people have us called "United Statesians?"

  2. Anonymous3/28/2011

    I thought the speech was very poor. I was not persuaded at all, and I don't have a problem with seeing the thug in Tripoli deposed, even killed. It was just not a good presentation.


    The war is a distraction for us. We need some jobs. It doesn't have to be hard to understand.

  3. I didn't think it was awesome either; just believable the way he delivered it. Sorta like how Bush looked convincing - he spewed the usual 'we must act' crap and "We can't intervene in every operation but..."

    The bottom line is the fucking Europeans have to start standing on their own two effen feet if they want to intervene. Libya is THEIR back yard. The cold hard truth is they want to be the cool kid on the block so long as it rides the coat tails of the strongest kid.

    America didn't need to intervene on this one. I agree.


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.