
Thoughts On The Covid Moral Panic

Just like the New Deal likely prolonged the depression - by as much as 10 years by some claims - it is very possible the same massive interventions with Covid will have extended the health crisis needlessly.

A combination of lockdowns and not administering early treatments all but assure this.

We're in masks because of very stupid, arrogant and incompetent people.

I've saying this for 16 months now and I stand by this assertion. 

Buffoons run the show.


When I called PHAC a few months ago to find out if they're conducting any independent studies on masks they told me they weren't.

Isn't this irresponsible? Wouldn't the government like to know whether masks work or not? Alas, I think they know masks are ineffective because it's impossible to know be aware of the gigantic body of evidence stretching back decades showing this. The whole purpose of the mask is to keep people in fear and in line. And it's an effective tool to get them vaccinated.

Cynical control power game is all it is. And if you're still buying into this narrative and haven't done any research you really are sheep and fools. Sheep of fools.

Know what else they don't study?


You think PHAC has your back? Think again.

All public officials, medical authorities and academics aren't working off independent studies and data. They're parroting what the manufacturers are telling them. And where Pfizer says 'safe and effective' the FDA repeats as a subsidiary of big pharma. The CDC, for its part, has on its stained record having already rushed out vaccines to the detriment of innocent people on its resume.

I'd fact check the 'myths about vaccines' segments you see on CBC or other outlets. I'd question the source of those making those claims. 

How can a public health agency not be studying the vaccines? 

Pfizer: Pills are good. Doctors: They sure are! /passes credit card.

This is where we're at. I no longer accept vaccines as a means to a medical end. I don't like the conflicts of interest, the silencing of dissenting views, and the creepy and arrogant authoritarian demands to shut up.

I don't like Fauci and the revelations of this being a bio-engineered virus and I don't like the seedy and shady characters behind Fauci. I don't trust the FDA and CDC and Health Canada.

None of these entities have the right to be trusted.

'I don't like you' as the old punk saying goes.

Canada is not a serious country. They're just watching what the USA/UK does for the most part and then copy and go along.

That's probably why our masked up health officials sound so ridiculous as they mislead the public.

The masks are blocking oxygen to their brains. 

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