
A Couple Of Blunt Facts; Of Magic Flu And Gates The Pusher

No: The masks didn't stop the flu or slow the spread of Covid. Stop being an idiot. 

Cases are dropping in Quebec because it's SEASONAL. Not because of the abdominal measures. 

No: Bill Gates is NOT your friend or cares about you. Tread carefully.

He's a high school drop out and a convicted felon. He's buying up farmland (he's behind all this 'Beyond meat' plot) and peddling vaccines (often with devastating consequences) like a street pimp and pusher while forcing a move towards a cashless society as a means to control. He also wanted to block the sun. Do look that story up.

His favourite mediums and methods to help sell his personal propaganda? Obviously, his 'Foundation'. Show me a charity funded by a billionaire and I'll show you a narcissistic criminal. The World Economic Forum (under a miscreant named Karl Schwab who looks like Dr. Strangelove) and media. He hands out millions like heroin to junkie journalists. 

Oh, and that stupid sweater.  WEF, pharma, media and Gates teaming up. What could go wrong? 

It's all image and facade. A charade he's creating. 

Bill Gates is Mr. Burns and he's your neighbourhood pusher. 

Pills are good.

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