
Push Back Against The Woke And Identity Politics Has Begun

I think the pandemic has made people weary. There's only so much you can tolerate. There's only so much angst to manage in the mental and physical tank.

It must be incredibly frustrating to go into work each day having to put up with Covid protocols (which is slowly grinding people's souls to a slow halt thanks to sociopath politicians obvious to the mental health of the population) and the activism of social justice ravaging boardrooms and break rooms across the continent. Particularly in major corporations who haven't figured out how the left plays the game. First the infiltrate with Bambi eyes and ensnare you with seduction and pull you to their side. Then they use you and eventually turn on you. That makes you a useful idiot.

The vast - vast - majority of people aren't racists. They're not mean or hate diversity. They just want to work and get back to their private lives in peace. But the woke-scolds won't let people do that.

They've politicized every single aspect of our lives. It's become impossible to enjoy anything. You can't go to a concert without some musicians imparting their political views. You can't watch sports without politics infused in it and so on.

It's bound to present a backlash. People need outlets but there are none at the moment.

The best way to deal with this is to stand up to the social justice bullies. If you don't, you get the mayhem you see in places like Portland. That chick in your office sprouting of Di Angelo gibberish? Her views end up with some cuck hurling a mortar at a Federal court house. They're destructive people. Nihilists.

Illiberal and illiterate to such a degree they're a lost generation.

The Sarah Dixon's of this world (the idiot who removed a Quebec petition at Change.org) are poison to everything that is just and right.

The problem with these social media companies is they want to do good but aren't sufficiently intellectually equipped to handle it. These people aren't remotely close to understanding want drives human nature and are ignorant to the point of being dangerous because all they can do is censor whenever they're confronted with differing views - which are often legitimate views that just happen to go against the social justice zeitgeist.

These haven't read Descartes or Aristotle. Worse, they don't want to. They just "know" in their hearts what's 'right" and "moral'.

Another way to handle them is to spot who they are and get rid of them. Don't let them grow like a cancer in your company.  Just catch it early and cut it loose. There's a narcissistic, self-entitled edge to them that can threaten the entire well-being of not only the company but the mental health of neutral employees.

Goya stood up to them and Red Bull cut two executives loose. It was the absolute right thing to do.

That's how you handle a cult.

I'm sure there, these days, millions of people just too afraid to voice their opinions across the board. This is where companies have to realize that actually hurts them because it means ideas are being suppressed and this translates into a lack of creativity eventually settling into stagnation.

All you'll be left with is a gutter alley way filled with empty virtue-signalling platitudes and boxes.

Slowly people are coming around and this new website UnWoke.hr is a good example of people having had enough. 

Naturally, the usual suspects will lash out and scream, I gather, 'hate speech!' and 'racist!' and 'lack of diversity!' and all that garbage. It's all they know. It's all they've got.

Let them sabre rattle. Let them rage. They may even get a little rough as zealots sometimes do. It's all projection with these people. I get the sense the more vocal ones are profoundly broken people inside. The way I see it, if you're obsessing over something like race, that makes you the racist. They never stop. According to Rasmussen white believe blacks are more racist - and we can actually quantify it through various polls about how groups view one another. Blacks tend to hold more racist views than whites or even Asians.

Don't you dare say that! Blacks can't be racist. Besides, 1619 makes clear that the Original Sin of slavery can't ever be forgotten. It must be held like a Sword of Damocles over the heads of all whites for al eternity. It's the greatest shakedown in history.

But eventually a vapid world view collapses under its own light-weight.

So hold the line I say. Find the courage to just stand firm. It just might set you free.

And watch your companies and companies flourish once the harpies fly off on their broom sticks.

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