
Quote Of The Day

The town of Eastchester, NY bans chipotle.

We're too educated and somofistimicated to eat that food!

Man with beard in tweed jacket, stiff jaw: "Those Africans are such delightful people, delightful people! Look at this mask they gave me!"

"I would love to live in the republic as outlined in the constitution"

Take steps in that direction...

Think it, live it, speak it, spread it and don't tolerate anything less in your life. Don't tolerate elected representatives that don't uphold and support the fundamentals of Liberty. And especially quit promoting "Mob Rule" in your own thought processes.

One persons rights end where anothers begin... thats the litmus test for Liberty and you know that, quit copping out."

Words of hope and food for thought for Quebec. When you promote something at the expense of another you're engaging in anti-liberty and giving into "mob rule" or "tyranny of the majority."

Nothing more, nothing less.

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