

Obama is not allergic to stretching the limits of the constitution very much like his predecessor; something he did nothing but chastise Bush for.

The assault on personal liberties through censorship is also an alarming development in Obama's plans. Get allt your criticisms of him out now or be censored!

Now there's a bill to give a "kill switch" to the President effectively giving him the power to shut down the internet. You know, in the interest of public security and to make sure everyone "plays nice."

Two things have revealed the mindset of this President. One, is his reactionary impulse; see Gates. He's way too quick to comment before all facts come in. Two, his distrust of citizens. Some may have dismissed his request for citizens to snitch on each other on a White House government post but to me that was a telling sign of how he sees things. Bush may have froze out people, but Obama is taking it to, like the bail outs and spending, higher levels.

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