
In Search Of Individual Liberty In Quebec

Does it exist?

In light of my recent post about Quebec's OLF, I'd like to make clear something. My issue is with its usefulness to a society beyond language and culture. Disassociated from both, one can muster a sober assessment of how it makes people feel.

To me, it's not right. There is no justification for it I reiterate.

As for the United States, it has itself abandoned large tracts of its intellectual heritage its magnificent founding fathers left them. They have their own issues. However, their writings live on and I do believe they can still be applied to all freedom loving peoples on earth. They left a legacy of such priceless brilliance, it would make us fools to not listen.

The question I pose then: Is Quebec balancing individual liberty (if they care about such intangible and universal notions) and protecting its culture? Can it be mutually inclusive?

I don't see how laws designed to protect the collective can be such.

Alas, I leave it to people to enlighten.

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