
Lost Religious Movements

Did you know the great philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal practiced Jansenism?

I didn't.

What is Jansenism? See for yourself here

and here.

Quick teaser here:

"A school that developed in the Catholic church during the 1600's and 1700's analogous, oddly enough, to Calvinism. The movement took its name from Cornelius Otto Jansen (1585-1638). The Jesuits fiercely opposed Jansenism and eventually it was dissolved."


  1. The Québec Church was heavily influenced by Jeansénisme and right up to Vatican II. Several movements emerged from it such as Chinicky and closer to us in Montreal l'Abbé Sey, in Ste-Cunégonde parrish in south west Montreal. Some of his disciples are still around. Another example: les Pélerins de St-Michel, in Rougemeont.

  2. Interesting tidbit I was unaware of. Thanks.


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