
Derp Wish II Starring Charles Derpson

McKesson leaves California for Texas

And where Californians (and hipsters go) they destroy.


Are you ready for a new manufactured hero? Meet 11 year-old boy in drag.

Mom draws the line at caffeine.



Antifa thugs strike again. This time they beat up two Marines. Not content enough with that, they hurled racial epitaphs at the two - who were Hispanic.

Antifa have been reported beating up old people, Jews, students and who ever else they could in search of Nazis. Hundreds of accounts and yet law enforcement allows them to roam the streets armed?

Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo approve!


Newsome doubles down on what's making California the shit hole it doesn't need to be. Free health care for illegals.

See McKesson above.


False flag operation in Alabama?

The lunatic fringe Democrats are involved so why not?


The miseducation of one Alexandria Ocasio-Corrrrrtez.

Like, um, you know?

True story: I showed this to my daughter as an instruction on how not to speak and think.


Lol. They had to fact check Trump getting humanitarian awards?

/face palm.


Those Democrats. Good folk. Like you and me. When they go high you kick them as Holder says.

Weird story with Ed Buck.


American Psychological Association get all creepy.

Yes, you read right. They actually used 'cisgender'. A term literally made up in the SJW ranks fat on critical theory and social constructs.

I'd think twice and thrice before sending my son to a psychologist if this is the route they're taking. They've become whack jobs themselves.

"Boys and men are diverse with respect to their race, ethnicity, culture, migration status,age, socioeconomic status, ability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and religious affiliation. Each of these social identities contributes uniquely and in intersecting ways to shape how men experience and perform their masculinities, which in turn contribute to relational, psychological, and behavioral health outcomes in both positive and negative ways (e.g., Arellano-Morales, Liang, Ruiz, & Rios-Oropeza, 2015; Kiselica, Benton-Wright, & Englar-Carlson, 2016). Although boys and men, as a group, tend to hold privilege and power based on gender, they also demonstrate disproportionate rates of receiving harsh discipline (e.g., suspension and expulsion), academic challenges (e.g., dropping out of high school, particularly among African American and Latino boys), mental health issues (e.g., completed suicide), physical health problems (e.g., cardiovascular problems), public health concerns (e.g., violence, substance abuse, incarceration, and early mortality), and a wide variety of other quality-of-life issues (e.g., relational problems, family well-being; for comprehensive reviews, see Levant & Richmond, 2007; Moore & Stuart, 2005; O’Neil, 2015). Additionally, many men do not seek help when they need it, and many report distinctive barriers to receiving gender-sensitive psychological treatment (Mahalik, Good, Tager, Levant, & Mackowiak, 2012)."

Next up. Kill male babies.


Looks like the SJW virus has infiltrated the APA. Those 'crazy right-wingers!'

Thankfully there are some having none of it:

 Jan 9
Replying to 
It’s a travesty that you generalize these findings and appear to represent all psychologists when in fact this is only a fraction of clinicians. As a child clinical psychologist for the past 20 years, there’s a reason I’ve never been a member of this group. Pure propaganda.

10 hours ago

As an aside, I really don't like when they lie. They take issue when called out for using 'toxic masculinity' despite having explicitly used it.

You really have to give it to the left. When get called out, then just obsfctae as he does here spitting hairs. As if any of those other terms are any better or with merit.

They invent a term - toxic masculinity - and when it gets challenged because of the choice of words they turn around and say, 'no, no! It's not what we meant! You're misrepresenting it!'

Occam's Razor: If they used 'toxic' they meant to use 'toxic'.

As a pejorative.

Know how they think.

As for the rest of this trivial trash bashing men, the notion of stoicism and competitiveness seem to also be challenged by the ASA. Stoicism, of course, was a legitimate school of philosophy in Ancient Greece and one of its more famous writers was the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius who left us Mediations which is a profound piece of Western literature.

Competition is healthy. Nay, necessary for a healthy person. Any person. Male or female (who can be just as competitive. No? Why are they more engaged in sports than any point in human history then?).

You downplay or chastise this out and you're left with a listless and probably indifferent society. One in which gets corroded with mediocrity.

No competition, no innovation and progress. 


You need to understand that @SarahKSilverman's "I Love You America" was more than a comedy show. It was a conscious effort to make the country a better place. The loss is more than just the loss of some TV.

Yeh, I bet.

A better place by bashing people they disagree with. We understand just fine.

I'll never understand or forgive comedians who call for censorship.


Vox understands Trump's grandchildren are Jewish, right?


How CNN rolls. 

San Diego loves them some walls! CNN....WHAAAAA?!


Health care isn't a right.


Chalk under not a good idea.

Canada flirts with new drinking laws.


Being against such a stupid measure isn't 'racist'.


Earth's magnetic field is acting up.


Sweden: Lessons for America?

Not for Berniebros and other progs.


Conway slaps down Acosta. 


A couple of bullies are suing Lindsey Shepherd.

The crux of their complaint is: Get this. She exhibited 'power' over them by recording their improper interrogation of her. An inquisition because she had the temerity to show - gasp!  - a video of Jordan Peterson. A person they called a Nazi and part of the alt-right without a single shred of fact or evidence which led to Peterson himself launching  lawsuit against them for libel.  And like most progressives, they feel that they should be allowed to call people names and not face the consequences of these actions. Worse, they think this is an attack on their free speech!

Leftists are functionally compromised when it comes to the concept of free speech. They're allowed to call someone a name. In this case, 'Nazi'. But if they don't support this with evidence and it can be demonstrated to be false then they face the possibility of a lawsuit. You don't get to say what you want.

Now here comes the KEY part. Where  it's not wise to t advocate for 'control of speech' via government laws, the left explicitly and regularly calls for 'hate speech' laws. Peterson is not attacking their right to speech; he's suing them for libel because it's damaging to his reputation. 

They don't realize the intellectual corner they've put themselves in. That's why they're in perpetual lash out mode. Their positions on SJW issues are untenable.

In any event,  The idea a female TA basically *threatened* these two tenured cowardly commies is preposterous. But it makes sense once you understand how these morons think. That is, in 'power dyanmics' mode.

Around the 14 minute mark you can hear her voice quiver. No kidding. How would you feel if you had to face such disgusting actions? It's precisely how authoritarian officers under Stalin interrogated people about to be thrown into the gulags.


Pretty much this.

Trump is far from perfect and can rub people the wrong way but given what the DNC is offering (have you seen that field? It's awful), he's far and away the better option.


I'm torn between giving her attention and ignoring outright. That girl from the Bronx in Congress is so immature and stupid.

To wit, when the arrogant socialist  is not engaging in pseudo-intellectual gibberish about a system the allow for billionaires, she's scary the shit out of children about the world ending in 12 years with fake science.


Beto is a weirdo and a creep.

He's a natural for the Democrat party and their cultists voters.

There's footage of him playing troubling music in a band in a bunny suit.

Yeh. And Trump is coo-coo. Riiiight.


The more they claim Trump is racist, the more they project.


Plastic bag bans aren't green.

"....A study conducted by researchers at the University of Arizona and California’s Loma Linda University in 2010 measured bacteria in a sample of reusable bags, finding many containing dangerous ones, such as coliform (found in half the bags) and E. coli (found in 12 percent of bags).
Pathogens can develop from leaky meat packages as well as unwashed produce. And consumers reported that they rarely wash the bags, according to the study.
"...Reusable bags, moreover, require far more energy and other resources to make, and they may produce more landfill waste. A 2011 study by the UK government’s Environment Agency found that cotton bags would have to be used 131 times before they yield environmental benefits.
As for paper bags, they do work in many cases and break down easier if they become litter. But these have their trade-offs, as well.
One study reports that plastic bags require 71 percent less energy to produce. Plastic bag production also uses less than 6 percent of the water needed to make paper bags. In addition, paper bags generate nearly five times the amount of solid waste."
"...Although there is always room for improvement, the US does a pretty good job at keeping plastics out of the ocean. A 2017 study published in the journal Environmental Sciences & Technology reported that up to 95 percent of plastic waste enters oceans from just 10 rivers worldwide."
/Turtle wipes tear.

'We have been told that it could be upsetting to other units and disrespectful to enemy forces.'

The fall of Britain. Reason 494959566.

Britain is done. We'll have to save their sorry asses at some point down the road again.


Fake News organizations like NBC are pushing the anti-Gabbard angle.



For the NPC out there.




Jerk store. 



Sweden have grown some pair of arrogant balls given the problems they have with 

I see nothing wrong with Hungary's position on migrants and their opposition to EU policy on  the matter.

Sweden. Focus on your backyard.



You think it's gonna stop at carbon taxes and plastic bags and straws? Think again.

Junk science knows no limits. One bonehead at The Guardian took dead aim at....concrete. you know, the material used to hold up (among the many things too numerous to name here) wind mills. 



I enjoy this channel.


When you disagree with someone....slash their tires.

“No one has a right to destroy property because they don’t agree with someone else,” Dugas said. “Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine being the victim of pure hate because of my belief.”
I wrote about Dugas last year when he adopted a homeless teenage boy he had discovered sleeping behind one of the retail stores where he worked. 
Dugas would like to forgive the woman.
In a statement to the court, Dugas wrote, “In this case, the right thing to do is to forgive you rather than spill hatred onto you like you did to me. Rather than wish upon you the same fear you wished upon me that day. But I really hope that you are listening. Just because I have a different yet equally as important view as you do, it doesn’t EVER give you the right to spew hate, cause fear, and interrupt someone else’s life."
The next time Dugas got into his SUV with his 15-year-old son, he pointed to the red MAGA hat still on the console.
“See that hat? It hasn’t moved, has it?” he asked his son. The teen shook his head.
“You don’t ever let anybody change who you are, or what you believe in,” Dugas told him. “You stand strong.”

She sure showed him, eh?


Sure thing sugar baby. Ignore, for example, the story of black teenagers beating a mentally ill person for being white or black on white crime or whatever.


Where Ms. Glanton (if being a bigot means standing by the truth so be it) drastically missed the point, Mr. Kass gets it why what Smollett did was not a good thing on any level.


I recycle to keep the municipality off my back. 

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