
Climate Change Is A Religion

It has taken me years to come to this conclusion. I generally steered clear from the climate change debate (though I was skeptical of it from the get-go but I'm skeptical by nature so. Whenever I'm confronted with debates where I'm not an expert, I listen to all sides and pay close attention to the tactics and language used and how they treat data. My Spidey senses always told me there was something off with the pro-climate alarmists making me according to the narrative a 'denier') but I've grown quite unnerved by the rhetoric used by its proponents.

It has become less scientific and more rooted in plain superstition. These people have no qualms about scaring the shit out of kids telling them they have '12 years to live'. On this basis alone a sober mind should wonder about its legitimacy.

Never mind about the laughable list of prognosticating failures in the last 45 years.

But what finally sealed it was the utter stupidity I witnessed with the Green Deal.

A disjointed and incoherent mess of retarded ideals that inevitably lead to either a) spectacular failure or b) mass death.

There's no in-between. It's that absurd in its idealistic tenets. So much so Unicorns laughed at its magical beliefs.

So how did we arrive at a situation where techno-scientific bureaucrats and shysters have managed to capture the imagination of people and using fear to get them to submit?

I think this video does a good job.

Climate change is a massive fraud. It's all about system change and taking control of public policy.

What's more disconcerting and troubling is they don't expect people you and me to have an opinion on the matter hence all the threats and shaming. 

Science is not settled. Climate ever changes.

Don't be a useful idiot anymore. 

Just look at the characters and jargon used. Trust your instincts and judgment. Use those critical thinking skills.

The part where Greenpeace is trying to memory hole Patrick Moore (with the help of media outlets like CNN) as a founding member of Greenpeace.

Should we be surprised? It's how the far left operates. Eliminate and erase the past.

Be 1984.


So the people who say are for science want to use emotion to sell their scientific agenda?
Got it.
In this one tweet alone we get insights into how they think.
Let them run off the cliff. The analogy I'm using for now is one where all the great and sound minds who have been drowned out by this movement are waiting on the sidelines patiently letting this dark age pass. When they overplay their hand and fail (hopefully without much destruction to the economy and society), they will regain control and restore sanity.

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