
T.C. Is Better Than Jonah Lehrer

You know, this blog may be a piece of shit of a place but I'll tell you what, Bobby-boy, I never cheat or plagiarize. Every word, poorly constructed sentence, and misplaced comma comes from me and me alone. Where it isn't, I attribute accordingly.

However, reading crap like this from the Globe and Mail glossing over Lehrer's ridiculously infantile lying, make me vomit all over my pjamas. And when I do that, it gets all over my mother's chesterfield.

You try and take out vomit laced with green salsa, bee larvae and vodka.

Ga'head. Try.

Poor Ben Johnson and Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens and that weightlifter from Cleanjerkistan. Boo-hoo-hoo! They had so much talent! Let's spare a moment for these poor souls who, you know, couldn't handle the "pressure."



Misquoting Bob Dylan. Really? Of all the guys! You just have to break out ONE of his albums and you'll have enough material there to last you a career.

If they have to resort to lying, and it wouldn't surprise me one iota if it happens more than we think (the New York Times has had a couple of fabricators on its staff), then they're not trying hard enough.

I read so much that I have literally piles of ideas and real quotes I can build stories around but have no time to get to. Who has time to lie? Pay me, and watch those stories come to freakish life.  There would be no shortage of ideas for me on any staff (New Yorker? Pft. Amateurs) anywhere.

Bring it on.


Why am I poo-pooing on Lehrer? Surely, he isn't the worst offender right? Of course he isn't. My point is that we then have to watch all these pompous gate-keeping, elitist editors and magazine publishers pimp out all sorts of gibberish about "journalistic integrity."

How can there be any integrity when you see crap like you did on ABC when they jumped to the conclusion that the killer in Aurora was a member of The Tea Party?

Not only that, good, honest, and probably better writers and thinkers have to watch guys like Lehrer make a killing explaining and justifying his faux-pas.

Sezlotsboutus. The viewer. The reader. The voter.

We love. We crave. Deception.

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