
Big Education, Little Ideas

I just discovered Rachel Maddow is a PhD and Rhodes Scholar.

Then why is she so unwatchable? If that's a product of such education, then we have bigger problems than we think.

I don't think I've ever came away from her show thinking. Just nodding my head.

But that's me.

It's a shame because it's not the first time I notice smart people not showing their smarts. Sports announcers sometimes have a wealth of knowledge but are slaves to a formulaic method that often makes them look like they're just drones of a myopic system.

I would like to see Maddow outside her left-wing MSNBC bull shit and see what she's got.


Another intellectual disappointment of the left is Fareed Zakaria. I remember when he burst onto the scene years ago and reading something he wrote in Foreign Affairs.

Turns out, he's just another plagiarist with little ideas of his own.

Seems to a bad moment these days for so-called "liberal" publications these days. So much for "Faux News." 

Liberals often mock the right for their "tired" ideas.

The left are worse in my view.


You just never know who to trust with "ideas" anymore. Often, you just have to rely on your intellectual instincts and do your own research.

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