
Is Celente The Pundit Celeb Du Jour?

As I mentioned in a comment on Skeptical Eye blog, I'm not sure what to make of Gerald Celente. I'm generally wary of doom and gloom prognosticators. Times are tough and they all seem to pop up. Nonetheless, it's still an interesting read. We do seem to share a massive distrust of government.


When this bubble bursts, there’s no reinflating it because of the government intervention into it so deeply,” he said.

“As you look through history, it seems like governments become emboldened by their failures,” he added.

Celente pointed out that according to the Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini, the merger of state and corporate powers was called fascism.

We could call this fascism lite,” he said, referring to the government involvement in free enterprise. “After these kind of catastrophic collapses, sometimes they’re followed by war.

Note: To my dear old sister and close friend, if you tell me one more time I'd be "perfect" in foreign services on in some other part of public service, I may just have to pop you.


  1. My problem is not with Government but rather with the morons we keep electing to run them. It has come that valuable people do not enter the arena because they loath being associated with them and we vote less and less because valuable people are not there. Somehow that vicious circle will have to be broken otherwise we will end up,as Anne of Green Gables would have said "In dire straights". Maybe we already are.

  2. When I was in high school I always thought I'd end up in politics in some way. Then I started meeting the boobs planning to go in politics and realized I wouldn't fit in.

    At Concordia I would listen to the people in politics or planning to run for a seat of some sort and I was disheartened.

    It seems politics is a job. There's no willingness to lead with a grand idea anymore. It's all about getting the power and keeping it and playing the game.

    That goes for the entire continent.


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