
The Importance Of Learning English In India And Quebec

It's interesting to read about how India is facing the challenges of learning English in the modern world economy and relate it to present day Quebec. For most of the 20th century India was still feeling the effects of British colonialism so learning English was naturally seen as giving in to the Imperialists who colonized them.

For Canadians, this sounds familiar where Quebec is concerned. Since the Quiet Revolution, the idea of "English" in any form was (and still) seen as a cultural enemy of the Quebecois identity.

But a funny thing happened along the way to protecting culture and identity: the Internet. India serves as a perfect example. How many of us have called a customer service department of a North American company only to be streamed to a call center in India? This is no doubt welcomed by Indians (a nation with serious poverty problems) as a means to perhaps break its rigid caste system - specifically, the Untouchables now see learning as a way out. However, the quality of English in these call centers is a concern and India has taken notice and are looking at ways to improve the standards of English being taught.

The internet is capable of destroying nationalism for one simple fact: the chance for economic and social upward mobility. With that, people across the world are connected. They work on projects together. They become friends. Nationality is secondary. If anything, it comes to be celebrated.

For example, I work with a partner out of the Netherlands. I have never met him but we have developed a professional relationship that has turned into a friendship. It truly is a remarkable thing. We are united in our desire to seek profits.

The binding language to communicate is naturally English.

While India looks to strengthen its work force by teaching English better, we in Quebec play needless language games. We have deplorably deprived English schools of proper funding. We are fighting a battle that is not even there. It's a kind of shadow boxing that will inevitably prove more destructive to us than anybody else. Who is served by such short sightedness?

Many Quebecers do want their children to learn English. They see that their political leaders send their kids to English schools in Canada or the United States. Indeed why should they be deprived? Yet, the government has the audacity to deny access to English schools for French-speaking Quebecers.

Once again, as the world turns, we curl.

Moreover, not only are we failing to encourage Quebecers to learn English we are providing poor French language instruction to all Quebecers.

India looks to advance with English. Quebec hopes to advance by limiting it.

Who will prevail?

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