
The Spectacular Fall Of Canada: MAIDS Murder Inc.

They were gonna kill themselves anyway and we're gonna save money for the decrepit public health system! 

"Lets' talk". The government of Canada and Bell is here to help raise awareness for mental illness.


Let's talk.

The Canadian government is sending mixed messages to its citizens. On one hand, they tell Canadians there's help for them if they suffer from mental illness. On the other, they signal they can terminate their life through the MAIDS program. 

Moreover, I read somewhere that 40% of people who had a depressive episode are on some kind of antidepressant and safe-supply in B.C. is a full-fledged human disaster.   

Big problems. take big solutions. But don't expect that from this collection of regressive barbaric dullards in power. No. Their 'solution' is a 'Final Solution'. A permanent solution to a temporary problem. 

When consulting actual professionals and experts, it was discovered that they really don't want to kill people. Especially the mentally ill since there's no way to know if the illness is 'terminal'. We're up to 60,000 killed by MAIDS with La Mort Province Quebec leading the way. 

The government responded by delaying the Murder Inc. program to 2027. Not killing it - excuse the pun - but deferring it because they realized they needed more time to indoctrinate students into accepting killing their fellow citizens. It gives them time to train them to believe it's the 'compassionate' thing to do. Turns out, there are still too many 'recalcitrant' in the medical and health profession. So the government will see to it that this is remedied once and for all. 

There's nothing compassionate or humane in Canada's assisted suicide program. It crossed over into a subject far more sinister. 

Ask yourself. Why is no country going as far as Canada? We've included the mentally ill. This is Nazi-level eugenics. Makes you wonder what's going on. Did the House of Commons not cheer on with a standing ovation a Nazi soldier?

Someone can now just be in a funk or claim they're 'suffering' and there will be doctors evil enough (knowing full well it's not a reason to do so) to kill them. Buddhists preach that life is suffering. Christians understand this very well too. Jordan Peterson warns people that there's more suffering than not in life. So get used to it and learn to cope and manage it. I believe there was a case where someone wanted to die because they couldn't make rent. Economics is now an accepted reason to apply for MAIDS.

And spare me the lies and crap that there are 'safeguards' to qualify for it. This goes straight into a slippery slope. The results are immediate and we have the stats to back it up.

Canada is Murder Inc.

The Canadian government has a different take. It believes this is a cost issue and you're expendable. 

The ironic part is the Indigenous angle to this. On one hand, the government has made Indigenous issues a key component of their policies. They consulted only Indigenous people for their perspective on death. No Jews. No Muslims. And certainly no Christians. Even though Christian doctrines have a lot to say about death. 

Even in death, we're woke.

But there's a very good chance that it's Indigenous communities that will be disproportionately negatively harmed by such a policy since various diseases and 'suffering' are high among First Nations. It's a policy that will leave itself open to charges of 'genocide' down the road. In real-time, we're seeing history play out on how bad policy can result in great harm and how we interpret it for posterity. 

Is MAIDS a deliberate 'eugenics by other means' program or is it borne from sheer stupidity and ignorance? 

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