
Scientism Lost

It's clear.

The scientism of the 'experts' and 'I am science' Faucists lost.

It ought to be discredited and never spoken of again.

Mother Nature and the immune system, both conferred to us by God, prevailed.

On what grounds could anyone possibly claim any of lock/shutdowns, masks, social distancing and the mRNA shots worked?

It's all in the spin. It's all they got. But the worst of these outcomes were all foreseeable and predictable. The tradeoffs, as I've been writing since this moral panic rooted in fear and ignorance, have not been in our favor. 

Reject with all your might the excuses that are flying. Excuses like 'we didn't know' and 'we did our best'> Absolutely not. You didn't do your best. You restricted yourself to a narrow protocol and didn't deviate preventing a chance at course correction. The geniuses put all their eggs in one basket and not one of them thought to ask, 'What if we're wrong?'

There's no wisdom in public health. 

Four years on I'm comfortable and confident in saying my concerns and predictions were correct. Even Sweden ended up being more right than wrong and definitely handled it better than most Western countries including the boastful blowhards in Canada.

COVID still swirls. And will always. mRNA shots are just about redundant if not useless. Mandates are gigantic unethical and politically punitive monstrosities fraying the civil order.

Still, none of these people have come close to admitting failure.

And a spectacular failure they were.

Collins and Fauci all but recently admitted how foolishly myopic they were.

Gee, who would have thought sacrificing overall public health to combat one disease that largely affects one demographic would lead to catastrophic negative outcomes?

If there was justice they'd not only lose their jobs and pensions but they'd have to answer and account for their decisions, rhetoric and actions in a court of law before a jury of their peers.

This includes Hajdu, Duclos, Tam, Supirya, Njoo, NACI, UofT and McGill experts, Freeland, Trudeau and many others. 

And wait until the vaccine injuries become too obvious even to the normies.

One can only hope the comeuppance is sufficient. 

Scientism got its ass kicked. 

Time to bring true science back. 

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