
Now The CPE Get Whacked

Before I begin,  I read someone make the comment that the government is cutting the CPE budget and giving it to private daycares.

Let me get one thing straight, the government isn't "giving" squat to me. Nor do I want it.

What they're doing, and for once I agree (to the extent the government has to involve itself in), is looking to increase the tax credit for parents.

When private daycares threaten to close because the government decides to open up subsidized spots next to them, that's unfair. In this instance, it's a completely different matter since CPE's are creations of the state.

Now they get why unionized salaries and all the perks are ridiculous?

Jesus me.

People freaking out on potentially losing the $7 a day option live in a bubble. Aside from the fact they're not entitled to it just like post-secondary education, what business model survives on $7? Do people pay attention at all AT THE COST to run subsidized daycares?

It's enough to bankrupt the treasury. I'm not sure the women who work to offset the cost make up the difference. I doubt it because there's a lot of waste on the government side - and shenanigans.

Just give parents a tax credit based on income. It's not the best option and still open to arbitrary scales and interpretation but it's the most equitable and efficient one.

Those who were critics of the subsidized models back when, were right all along. The same people argued when you begin to censor and ban people's habits (ie smoking) food would be next (and I was one of them). Guess what...look at Bloomberg in NYC. The guy has lost his fucking mind.

It's not that hard to see it never pans out as the government claims. The slippery slope can be a logical fallacy but not in this case. When the government claims something, the opposite will likely happen.

As an aside, in Quebec, investment groups emerged pooling their money in CPE's.

I never understood this.

I would never recommend or put money into something that's subsidized because you're at the mercy of the government and not market forces.

The government can cut without mercy and without explanation. It comes out of nowhere.

In any event, Pauline Marois and the PQ are the biggest clowns I've seen govern Quebec.

They shamelessly lied about "free" education and have flip-flopped more than John Kerry on political issues. To say nothing of introducing the fascist Bill 14 law and having ruled over one of the most embarrassing episodes in recent memory that garnered international attention through the 'pasta' incident and the OLF.

/face palm.

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