
Polls Don't Reveal Certain Truths

That's why I ignore them.

I love this article titled "Our disinformed electorate" from factcheck.org - God bless them.

"There are deeper reasons as well. We humans all have a basic disposition to embrace our side's arguments and reject or ignore those offered by an opponent. Our polling reflects that. After taking differences in age, race, gender and education into account, Republicans were still 4.4 times more likely than Democrats to believe that Obama would raise taxes on most small businesses, and Democrats were 3.2 times more likely than Republicans to believe that McCain would cut Medicare benefits. Simply put, partisanship trumps evidence."

"Voters aren’t highly knowledgeable about government to begin with. Our poll shows that nearly one in three (31 percent) think Congress or the president, not the Supreme Court, have the final call on whether laws are constitutional. Nearly one in 10 (9.9 percent) think Republicans still control the House of Representatives, even though they’ve had two years to catch up on results of the 2006 elections."

1 comment:

  1. Paul Costopoulos5/01/2009

    Polla are indeed to be taken "cum grano salis" since the questions most often are leading and the answers come out accordingly. Never rely on one poll and look for the sponsors and political leanings of the pollsters.


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